http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: The Paranormal and Religion and Etc, Etc, Etc!

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Paranormal and Religion and Etc, Etc, Etc!


The above link is just a small reference about the Paranormal and Religion! It's actually an older article, But after the latest terrorist attack that happened in France it got me thinking.

This link above is to an article that I ended up running across several days after I had put together this post which is how things usually work in my life!
 Anyway I figured it was worth sharing so people may get some better ideas of things to look at!
The terrorist in France were targeting a particular cartoonist because of his certain publications that were found to be offensive to a certain culture.
 So in retaliation they indiscriminately opened fire into the whole staff at the newspaper office!

  My question to this attack is Why? Sure I understand being upset about things in life, But what the hell? Shoot into a crowd of people because of some figures in a cartoon which made you upset!
 Hell If I went out and shot up everyone that pissed me off, Well let's just say it would be the biggest mass murder in history!
 But then what? What did it and would it all really prove in the long run? That your not afraid to die for what "YOU" believe is right or wrong? Are you thinking you'll be looked at as a hero?

I know the answers to the above questions, and yes they believe that they are hero's for their vile acts of murder!
 The belief of dying for a righteous cause will grant you wonderful things in the afterlife. Well that's a bunch of hogwash! And if I'm pissing anyone off so be it!

  My intentions in this article were not intended to mock people for their beliefs, or criticize their religions! It is to say and ask, Where does it end? 
 If you start killing people because of your religious beliefs because of some cartoon images what about more serious stuff?
 Let's say paranormal research for an example!?In some religions there can be no such things as ghost, Per say. It actually mentions this in certain Religion's scriptures!
In the bible there is one verse where it states so and so. (I can't remember the names) went to see this medium type person and asked them to bring fourth a certain spirit, and so it had been done!
 So because some things are looked at a certain way does that make it right for this person to commit acts of violence?
 So what now? Should we in the Paranormal field start worrying?

  I feel confident we shouldn't have to worry too much, But what if? There are a lot worse things being said and done to make one concerned!
 I realize this is far from a new situation or concern, But because of this latest attack it has really opened my eyes to the insane things we as people can do!

  As I have stated in other post, That I hope we never find, Or for that matter are found, By any other life in our Universe! Because we are still in our caveman infancy!
 If you really look at our evolution over just the last 100 years you can see we have gone off the charts with technology.
 But does that mean we are ready for greeting someone, Or something from beyond? In my mind I would really love to see some honest to god life from an honest to god UFO!
 I would like to hear our Gov't say they have known all along about UFO's and that they have been visiting us for some time now! Though I won't be holding my breath for this to happen!

  Even though we as humans think we have the minds to be rational and capable of dealing with life from beyond. We don't!
 As I stated, We are still in our infancy! We are still cavemen! Maybe slightly more evolved, But by our actions alone we prove our cavemen traits all the time.
 The power to be dominant is one of the big ones! This is not so good especially if life is out. Because who would want to control who?
 It's in our nature to be the controllers! So what would be in the alien's nature? Sit back and be lead by an inferior race? 
 I've said it before, It wouldn't be because they came to break bread and want to start some interstellar trade system!
 hey will have an agenda! And one you can bet isn't spreading the word of peace and prosperity!

  I wonder what an alien life form would think of our ways of living, And killing?
 I guarantee they would call us primitive Like I've said "cavemen!"
300 hundred years ago was a blink of an eye in terms of time! Heck we were just discovering new real estate out in the west, California way that is swimming pools , And movie stars! 
 Girls were getting married off at 12 and if you weren't married and on your 4th or 5th kid you were considered an old maid!

When thinking of things like that I understand what was happening, Because we are nothing more than just a smart animal!
 As an animal we had the drive to do such things. I'm not sure what happened, Or when people started saying this was morally nuts! But it wasn't all that long ago!
 And in all actuality it's still going on everyday! But the difference is now you'll be going to jail if caught!

These are the reasons why I say we are still cavemen! We have only very slightly evolved, But nonetheless to young to meet no life!

What would these other worldly beings have for beliefs about religions?
 Do you really think a God such us the various one's humans believe in is part of their lives?        When we do find life, I have a pretty strong notion this will be a very earth moving, Shattering, Eye opening religious breaking moment! All of this killing, And dying for land, And beliefs here on terra forma will have been for what?
 In my mind I believe people have been using God as an excuse to do what people want!  In the beginning I'm certain that people "cavemen" Were so scared of all around them that they looked to the night skies and felt very small and insecure and needed something to believe in. So WHOALY! God came to be! Or various versions over the eons!

As a Paranormal Researcher of course I have my reservations to the subject of an almighty! Though I am very spiritual! I want to believe there is something that holds all this craziness together!
 Though as many others I have some theories what will be at my end. We know scientifically that we are made from elements from our universe! Our chemical compound structure proves this undeniably!
 So maybe when we die our energy (Soul!) wispily climbs back up into our universe and we at some point work our way back into some form of creation!

Some might find this possible, Others far fetched! Sound familiar? Lots have died over this unknown mystery! All because of beliefs!
 Trust me when I say no time soon will I be forming a sect, Cult, Or try to recruit followers into my thoughts, Or theories about the after life. After all look what  I do for a living! Chasing Ghost, UFO's, And anything that defies rational beliefs!

  The big question most should be thinking is why has someone like this guy (me!) a Paranormal Researcher doing what he does, and for as long as he has? Especially after reading about my thoughts and theories! 
  It's my belief that our energy sometimes doesn't leave our world and head to it's destination back to our origin of the universe. Not because God didn't want them! It's just because! Maybe they didn't want to leave! Maybe their energy didn't realize and got confused, Lost, Or just scared!
 In some case's the energy may have just been a mean person in life and decided to stay and create havoc!
 Things we have captured for evidence over the years has made it undeniably to me that something is here amongst us! Some innocent, And some not so innocent, Nonetheless something!

  It's as well my belief that we have been visited! I believe we have been for a long time, Possibly from something that had to do with our own creation! Who knows?
 But I do know we are not alone and there has been compelling evidence shown proving this for all to see! 
 A lot of the proof has been giving to us from our Gov't already! The biggest piece is their unwilling stubbornness to be involved into wanting to know, What are these crafts people are witnessing?
 Well the answer to that is they all ready know! Our Gov't needs to stay in the shadows and deny for a few different reasons.
 One being they don't want others to know or be involved! Again this is where the power struggle enters again! Caveman dominance!

  Secrecy by denying with our Gov't is always their tell when it comes to the truth! When they deny, and keep it close to the chest I guarantee that's their tell for, Yes we know already! Yes we have known all along! Yes we have been lying because we didn't want others to get to these things first!

"There are places to go beyond belief! The veil of secrecy needs to be lifted!"
 Why would Neil Armstrong have made these comments back at a ceremony in the 90's?
 That doesn't sound like he was trying to get something out there?
 Another big tell is when the Catholic church keeps coming out and revising their once before sacred beliefs!
"Announcing their openness to the possibility of life in our Universe!" 
 This was once one of the Catholic churches biggest hang ups and we were suppose to be the only life end of conversation! People would be put to death if you said otherwise! Why have they implied a mandatory class on performing exorcism's? 
 These to me are obvious tell tale signs of something larger at play!

So with all of this let's sum it up!
  1. Ghost are real
  2. UFO's are real
  3. Religion is going to suffer
  4. Our Gov't won't change
  5. We are still cavemen (In a way!)
  6. We shouldn't be afraid 
  7. Oh, And ghost are real, Really!