http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's Halloween! How to read a curse!

Halloween and 
watch out
for a curse!

So what does Halloween mean to you? To me it's a time for people to ponder the reality of whether or not ghosts and goblins may truly exist? 
  With all the t.v. shows that run specials of the Eerie, bizarre, strange, and unbelievable how can one deny the possibility of something really happening?

  For us it turns into a busy time of year with a huge amount of requests! Some requests aren't the "can you please help us we are being haunted", But rather :hey I'm from a paper writing an article can you please help us?
  We have had numerous requests such as these types through the years, But this is the first year I decided to agree and participate! Yes against all my beliefs of the limelight I actually said yes!
  Well not so fast! My yes turned into a planned phone conversation that ended up not happening due to where I was at the time, with no cell reception, in the white mountains where I was looking into a possible case! So oh boy, I messed that up! So I contacted the gentlemen and explained the situation, So we made another date to do the phone conversation, no biggie! Well once again I ended up in a situation where I was tied up and missed the call again! OH MAN!

  Needless to say I felt horrible, But this was not the whole story by a long shot! First off I usually don't like getting involved with interviews and what not, But here I had actually agreed, So yes this was a big thing for me! 
  Well wouldn't you know we had the craziest week after I received this call which I agreed to! First off we had three calls from people with issues within a 24hr period! The day after the call from the gentlemen my car broke down! Need I go on with the way this story is going or is the picture getting clear? Sheer craziness was in the works, and believe me it went from bad to unbelievably horrible! 
  I won't go into the rest of the bad luck that ensued, But trust me the interview never happened! I had tried calling the reporter and tell him if he was still interested in talking with me I was available on this day like right now! Call while I am here at this very moment before something else terrible happens!

  Needless to say I never got a call! Do you believe in being jinxed, Cursed, or just plain bad luck? Well I'm a living example! I have been my whole life!, and this was a reason why I felt I was a chosen one to have the things happen to me as they did, by being haunted!
  If a person were to sit down and listen to me tell the story of all the bizarre bad luck things that I have had happened to me in my entire life they would probably wonder how I had never contemplated Hara-Kiri!

  Well I probably had some thoughts, but I found a way of dealing with it, and it's called, dealing with it! That simple! I just say yup, Right up to par! Then I go on doing what needs to be done! 
  Halloween to me is a time to relax and accept my fate, but it's because it's Halloween so this is what's normal and this is why these things happen! 
  So oddly enough this is why I look forward to this time of year! Just like a child looking forward to Christmas, Halloween is what I look forward to in order to put my life into a normalcy state!

  Cursed to some is nonsense! They think it has something to do with some kind of VooDoo, Or some Pagan ritual!
  No it isn't! Some are like a magnet and these type of bad events take place on a very uncomfortable amount of occasions, and this I know for a fact, So this brings a slight amount of comfort!
  Though who really knows? maybe somewhere in time I had a family member piss someone off that was a Pagan witch and that person performed a ritual where they cursed the family line!

  Curses are an interesting topic, and one that fits perfect with Halloween in my eyes. When one looks into stories of witchcraft and Halloween It's usually something to do with a scorned witch who performs some type of hex, or curse upon the person!
  Many curses we hear of are those of misfortune that dealt with things like a bad crop, or a well running dry!  
  The real scary thing is there are a lot of people in this world that are truly fearful of anything to do with curses! Such as a cursed object, or a cursed place! There are places that are supposedly cursed where the local people refuse to go to, or partake in whatever it may be. 
  There are stories of places like an Island being cursed where for hundreds and hundreds of years people will refuse to go to, or have anything to do with!

  Why is it that people fear this so much? Well maybe because of events happening due to a so said curse that by sheer coincidence, or is it really possible!
  Some of the more famous and heard about type curses are those of the Egyptian tomb curses. Warning all that if they enter a curse will be placed on them! 
  There are some to this day that will not violate these warnings! Would you? Really would you take a chance and enter a place that was telling you to stay out or you will die? Remember you can't take it back and say, Oh boy I won't do that again!  

  I believe some things are sacred and therefore  I will avoid it, or them! I do believe in curses, but only because of my own bad luck. I believe for whatever reason I am cursed! So yes there are certain things I will, and will not do despite the rewards and possible redemption!
  A do not trespass sign isn't placed there to give you the option, it's put there for a reason! If you decided to risk that warning a whole slew of things are possible from that point out! Such as getting shot, being arrested, getting arrested and being shot, or possibly getting hurt because the sign was there because of danger, and the type of danger maybe one that could be fatal!

  I suppose the best way for a person to interpret these signs is by the wording and your blind faith! BE WARNED! Take it for what they're worth because there is a reason, and enter at your own risk!
  There is a recent case that has been brought before us, and it's one that is right along this topic of curses. 
  The particular case is one that is common folklore or urban legends in many states. It's of a hitchhiking female that if you don't give her a ride she will end up appearing in your back seat in which it will cause you to have an accident along with your death! 

  This can be interpreted as two different type curses. The curse of the women being stuck here for eternity, or it could be a curse for the person that refused to pick up the female in which it will lead to the person's death!
  No matter what, it is a story of a warning which may lead to a curse like proposal! If you venture down this particular road at night this may happen!
  As well as if you don't do what the female hitchhiker wants, It will lead to your demise!
  So therefore the sign there is don't get yourself in a risky situation of where you may be tempted to pick up a person you don't know!

  This particular legend is dated back to the 1800's and originally was of a women in an accident with a horse and carriage where she was tossed off in an accident and decapitated!
  So that story was if you were on the road late at night you may encounter a headless women in white and seeing her is what will lead to a fatality for you as well as others with you!
  The sign for this story is you should not be on this road at night because it is dangerous! Again if it is true wouldn't this all be in the curse category? I imagine! The morale is that the danger is real and if you don't see the obvious signs, well then you're going to pay the price!

  With dealing in different types of hauntings we find objects that can be the cause of the haunting. Some call these objects cursed! As well in voodoo the subject can curse a particular thing which can supposedly lead to all sorts of misfortunes! 
  There are methods that are available to deactivate, or neutralize the object, and then at times the best solution is to just lock the object away so nobody will handle it again! 
  Is there any pure truth, or actual evidence that curses are real and true? Well I suppose it depends on who you ask , and I bet that there are a few out there that would swear that YES! No questions about it!
  My own thoughts are yes! I believe things can be possible and in the case of a curse I suppose it's how you interpret it, as well as define it!
  Some things can be chalked up as just plain bad luck, but when it goes above and beyond one has to wonder!

  So the next time you may be in the area of Downeast Maine in the vicinity of Catherine's Hill and you happen to see a woman hitchhiking at night (possibly headless) will you stop and offer a ride? Well you know the consequences, so I'll let you decide your own fate!

From all of us here at
The Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!



Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Do you think your crazy?

                                                Are you crazy?

  So this is the pivotal question, Do you think your CRAZY? This being in context to things you may be experiencing, seeing, feeling, hearing, Etc, Etc,!
  We have had numerous case's over the years where this question has arisen. The answer is no, Well maybe no anyway!
  The majority are actually experiencing something, But whether or not it is actually paranormal is the underlining question?

  8 out of 10 cases's we can dismiss as natural occurrence's! It's those other 2 that raise an eyebrow, as well as the hair on your skin in some case's!

  We have been extremely out of contact with our normal social media updating lately as we have been busy answering these questions for a few client's. I have been asking myself this question, and a lot lately, as to whether or not I'm just losing my mind?

  I've been involved with the paranormal for a very long time! I've experienced things, seen things, heard things, felt things that in all context of the word crazy would define my experiences!
  I know I'm sane, But every once in awhile I have to ask myself what the heck is really going on here? How can these things be happening? Rational thinking say's this is hogwash! Science say's this is hogwash! Skeptics say this is hogwash!

  Well then what is it? If everyone is so smart, Please explain, and in detail, what is it that is really going on? How did that sideways sliding door on rollers just open by itself? Don't tell me it wasn't level and out of plumb, Because I know my carpentry! What was the green ball of light 6 inches in diameter that came out of the opening door and floated across the room? Don't tell me swamp gas! No swamps in the vicinity! So please explain with your rational thinking and so called physics what this particular case was? Good luck trying!

  What about these mass sightings of huge vessels flying in our sky's? Seen and witnessed by people from every walk of life from the avg Joe to presidents of our own country!
  People with detailed memories of things we think not possible? Video of a large unknown craft from a police video camera hovering over a house one second and an officer rambling in the background on his radio of how he needs back up because of what he is witnessing? Saying things like it is pulling a person out of the house, and it is taking her, and when back up arrives a young girl is missing and never to be heard from again! 

  Yes it sounds crazy doesn't it? But it has happened, and is happening all the time from every corner of this world! Science fears involvement for ridicule and the Gov't does their fancy foot work with disinformation to make those who witness these events sound crazy. There have been some very CRAZY statements our own Gov't has spewed out to the public about some interesting events witnessed by hundreds of people over the years.

  We all have are cross's to bare, Our issue's of stability with maintaining a healthy mind and body! Which I try! I am more rational then most, and am the first to dismiss so called paranormal issue's, even though I do believe!
  I don't jump on the wagon at every case and say, yup this is paranormal! Usually just the opposite. I'm usually the one saying, Man this is so not paranormal what a waste of time!

  Since the early 2000's when these paranormal shows started coming out everyone started believing their place was haunted, Or more so they wished it was! Or they just wanted 15 minutes of fame! But there still lie's the question what about those 2 out of 10 case's that just defy rational thinking, and any sort of laws of physics? 
  Am I crazy and just missing something here? I think not! Nor are you crazy if you are one of those 2 out of 10 people! YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!! I wish I could scientifically tell you what it is you are experiencing, But sadly we have not evolved to that plain as of yet! The best I can offer is that you are experiencing an honest to god paranormal phenomena! Please though do not think you are crazy!

  I have had case's where people have gone to shrinks because of their issue's with the paranormal and thinking they were, and are nut's! To the point they end up being medicated with some pretty powerful anti-psychotics. To no avail! Then they contact us as a last resort and sometimes with just a visit and a half hour conversation I have been told they felt like a cloud had just been lifted from their mind! After a year of therapy a pile of drugs, and loads of money, just a few friendly personal experience's being shared and I've cured the so called crazy person! Well maybe not cured, But helped shine a light towards their sanity not being compromised!

  Sometimes it can be a very long and confusing ordeal for some where their sanity can, and will be stretched to the limits! But it's not because their crazy, but rather it will possibly make them feel like they are going crazy!  
  These are the case's I live for! When we can make a tremendous difference and a great impact on peoples live's! I am no Doctor , or scientist! I am someone that just believes, and knows there are things at play that just can't be rationally explained! But I do know how to help and in most case's fix, neutralize, remedy, aid, Or just listen to those with these particular problems!

  Crazy is a word, and I think a very negative, and at times hurtful word that should not be thrown around! People will question their sanity at some point of their lives and some will wonder if maybe they are crazy for many different reasons, But if you feel this way from a possible paranormal stand point the very best thing you could do is contact a legitimate paranormal group and try running your situation by them! Drop us a line if you feel compelled and we will be happy to put crazy to the test! I promise there is light at the end of this particular tunnel!

  So to any and all that are experiencing any sort of paranormal issues whether it be ghostly, or other worldly you are not alone! Put thoughts of crazy aside and reach out to us, or of the like and remember to put crazy in the rear view! if science has taught us anything, it has taught us there is still a lot to learn! We find new species everyday.
  We find creatures that were thought extinct for millions of years, We learn new things of our Universe constantly, As well as the possibilities of more dimensions then our own! So then why can't these issues with the paranormal exist? If it is any consolation we believe, and many like our organization do as well! So you are far from alone! Always be safe, and keep positive! All the best from all of us at the Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!



Monday, March 16, 2015

The Moons are Shinning!

                                 The Moons are Shinning!

  Well we're in the middle of March, Spring is right around the corner, and for this I am grateful to say the least!
  It has been a long, hard, cold winter for all, and especially here in the Northeast! You know when you hear it's going to be in the 40's and you get exited, that yes, it was rough!

  Being a paranormal group one would assume we would stick to subjects of the paranormal, well we don't always, and at times we stray, but not usually to far from our point.
  Being the founder of this society has it's perks, and one is just doing whatever I feel like at the time!
  The one thing I enjoy, as well as follow with a great passion, is anything to do with our Universe! Even physics has a seat at this table of mine!
  Our universe has a role to play with the paranormal, I mean really where do all the ufo's come from? OK maybe they come from another universe, but their in ours now!
  The other big thing is when news comes out about findings, such as water on various moons, or planet's.
  With water comes the possibility of life! This would be extraterrestrial life to us! So yes, I follow!
 Anyway I post a lot of things during the winter months that deal with new discoveries, as well as any interesting news statements!
  Things that we do usually on our ghost hunting side of the paranormal slow down this time of year, and it gives us a chance to jump into some other things, so this is one of the reasons I post a lot of other various things as well!
  The big thing with this though is lately there has been a lot of news recently about our solar system! 
  I mean like everyday there has been some sort of story coming out of things such as the discovery, or more like the actual proof they needed to know for sure that it is there! Oceans, saltwater oceans! On moons orbiting other planets in our solar system!
                                      The Asteroid "Vesta" Taken by the Dawn spacecraft
                        The dwarf planet "Ceres" taken by the Dawn spacecraft

  Another big story is the one of a dwarf planet called "Ceres!" In which a satellite we had sent to has just arrived there!
  This is really exciting big news! Really most people out there hadn't even known of this dwarf planet that lies between Mars, and Jupiter!
  The space craft dubbed "Dawn" has taken 7.5 years getting to this small world, and has been on a 2 part mission.
  The first was a stop by, and a little peak at an asteroid called "Vesta!" Which is really a pretty big object at 525km in radius! And Ceres at 950km across.
  Then on to it's final destination which is a 14 month study of Ceres!
(Both Vesta and Ceres are the largest objects that lay in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter!)

  After it's 14 month study the Dawn space craft will run out of it's fuel "Hydrazine!"  After it will go silent forever, being a satellite of the dwarf planet Ceres till the end of time!
  The main object of it's studies of these two worlds were, and are to hopefully gain a better insight into the beginning of our solar system!
  The how's, and why's are the big goals as well has there possibly being an ocean on the small world Ceres!
  Water equals the potential for life! though doubtful there is any here, but this is not the only place with water in our solar system besides Earth, we have discovered recently definitively!

  The study of the moons around other planets have become the target, and a hot target they are!
  Most people never take the time, or have much curiosity into knowing much about our solar system, so it's usually a surprise to most when you tell people how many moons are in our solar system.
  Saturn and Jupiter being the largest planets in our solar system, of course have the most moons!
  Jupiter being the leader by just a few at 67 confirmed moons! and then Saturn at 62! Yes that's a lot of moons! although it sounds like a lot some of them a pretty small at 1km, but then some are pretty big, like Saturn's "Titan" which is bigger then the planet "Mercury". Although Titan is bigger then Mercury it is actually the second largest moon in our solar system!
  The moon Ganymede on Jupiter reigns size champion of the moons in our solar system!
                                         Image of  the moon "Enceladus" at Saturn! 
         These images show geysers from the moon "Enceladus" blasting saltwater into space!

  There have been several speculations over the years to some of these moons possibly having water on the surface, but below several miles of ice.
  One of the moons of Saturn "Enceladus" has been confirmed with having a warm water ocean at it's pole under 30 or 40 miles of ice!
  Though Enceladus may be small at 310 miles in diameter, compared to our own moon, which is over 2000 in diameter! Enceladus may show some big news at some point in the future!

                                         These are images of "Jupiters" moon "Ganymede!"
The image below with the blue color is showing the "Aurora" that happens on the moon due to the magnetic field, and the saltwater ocean under the ice!

  The other moon with news of a saltwater ocean is of Jupiter's "Ganymede!" Though a little more ice is involved then on Enceladus, with around a mere 200 miles worth to get through!
  The really neat thing with the moon Ganymede is the Aurora it produces, and this is one of the signs of it having an ocean, as well as the lack of wobble effect with Jupiter's huge magnetic field!
  Another fun thing would be standing on Ganymede and looking up at the aurora instead of being green, as on Earth, you would be looking at red, with a huge planet (Jupiter) in the background!
  As well as other moons possibly in view! How odd would that look? I would love to be able to stand on it personally, and see for myself!
 Again the point is water equals life! Extraterrestrial life! Though in both case's it would be as an organism, or micro organism more than likely! But who knows maybe under that ice something else could be slithering along in the muck!

  The Universe is truly a fascinating place, and most that see it as I do can get lost at looking at all the spectacular images that have been produced by all the newer telescopes!
  When one takes a few minutes and actually starts looking into it, I
think they would find my thoughts agreeable! But the other bit of fascination with it, is the fact we ask ourselves if we are alone?
  How could one look at even one image of another whole galaxy, Just One! And even contemplate this thought? Then look at the facts that there are over one hundred billion galaxies out there! Yes that's over 100,000,000,000+ galaxies!

  This is another reason why I get excited when looking into the studies of our universe! The only thing that I wonder is how, and why would any life out there find us, know of us already, or even want to in the first place?
  It's never a matter of "if" with me, because I know there is life out there!
Whether or not it is here, or has been coming here all along is another story, and I believe with all the evidence out there, that I am satisfied with saying, without a doubt that we have been visited!

  After all it sure does seem like with all the amount of space out there, and the size of our little bit of it, that the rest out there sure would be an awful lot of wasted space!
  The possibility of aliens, or even something that looks like us, which would still be an alien, but something easier to swallow!
  Anyway it's something we all think of, and some know it will all eventually be known  to the world that there is, and has been visitations!

  I at times wish it would all come out to all this being true! But for reason's of my own.
  I like everyone else want to know that there is! Just to know for certain that life is everywhere in our universe! Mostly though I would like it so we would possibly gain the technology needed to travel vast distances shortly!
  If we had that my dreams and fantasies would finally be fulfilled! As a kid I always thought we would be further than we are with any kind of actual space program. I imagined we would of at least been doing something on the moon by now, but with the U.S. and spending trillions of dollars on the defense budget it leaves very little to further ourselves with knowledge instead we are busy learning better ways of destroying!

  Hopefully some will read this and start taking an interest, or at the very least maybe browse through some images of our known universe that are out there, and be just as awe struck as myself!
  Maybe or maybe not, but at the very least the next time you look into the night sky just imagine a great majority of the bright lights you are looking at, are actually whole galaxies! With billions of planets, and stars of their own!
  Then imagine there is someone standing in that same galaxy that your looking at, looking back at this galaxy wondering if there is life out there! Now that would be something!


 This image I added is that of the 2 moons of "Mars", "Phobos" and "Deimos!"  This is in real time speed taken by the rover "Curiosity" we have on mars!                                 



Friday, March 6, 2015

Religion-VS-the Cosmos, Lot's of choices's!

        Religion, Ghosts, Aliens, What to believe?

I every once in awhile get into topics of religion, But then again it has been something I have had to study on quite a bit! especially on my ghostly adventures end of studying the paranormal!
  I think if every person out in the world were to actually look at all the choice's they would be very amazed!
 1. At the amount to choose from!
 2. The diversity each one consist of, But in some basic ways still aligns to the same principle's of Christianity's faith!
 3. Which one is right? So what to choose?

 When it comes to the paranormal, and peoples beliefs, and faiths you really need to have your knowledge somewhat in perspective, or it can be a very bumpy ride when handling the situation!
  These were some of the reasons why years ago when I first entered the realm of the paranormal I found it necessary to at least have some basic knowledge of as many beliefs, and Religions that are out there kicking around! Trust me when I say that if any professional paranormal researcher says that's no big deal, or there isn't that much into it, Well I would look somewhere else for help, And I will leave it at that!
In all honesty I still get confused to this day at how the whole religion thing is suppose to work? And I grew up in very faithfully religious time, and family! My grandfather from Ohio use to say I was going to be a preacher when I grew up! He use to say this all the time whenever we would visit, and meant it whole heartedly!
 As a kid I had a very innocent pure type of nature, and energy thing going on which I see now.
  And was a big reason why I was so affected with the whole paranormal issues I had to live through as a kid, But people could see this in me as well, and I suppose this is why he felt this about me, Or the way he perceived the way I could be in the future!
 When I say the "times" when I grew up I'm referring to the 70's As a kid when there were three TV channels to choose from and on Sunday morning each one had their own television evangelist to choose from! The likes of Rex Humbard, for you who might remember!

 I was born in Ohio, Though I have lived in Maine my whole life this being where my Father haled from, and our family on his end for many years!
 My family tree consist of direct descendants that were founders of Cities such as Portland, Maine.
 Other members of the family tree were the first to land on the Islands off of Portland, Me.  Being the first settlers and the such! We can go back to my family ancestors being part of the mayflower voyage as well, Which is really something when getting into genealogy which this really isn't about, But just a little back ground info never hurt!
 My tree consist of the likes of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  which he still has his historical home in Portland, Maine for those to visit to this day. Just my way of tooting my horn! I have to, because as of yet, I sure Haven't quite hit the fame mark!
 Anyway it was important to my Father that this would be where we lived after my Sister, and I were born! Though we both were born in Ohio.
 The point being when we would visit my Grandparents during the Summer, As my Father was a teacher, so it was the only vacation time we really had! On Sundays we would attend the Cathedral of Tomorrow church in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio,  Which was where Rex Humbard did his preaching!
 So, it was a big deal when we visited going to this HUGE church! Or at least it was to this small town kid from backwoods  Monmouth, Maine at the time!

At times I actually think of continuing my studies into theology, Or actually becoming a Minister of my faith in which I was Baptized Methodist.
  Mostly due to the memories of those times, and my grandfathers words. I sometimes think he had a point and realized what type of person I had the potential of being! 
 But my true conscience convictions into what I truly believe usually take over, and I once again plant my feet firmly on Earth!
  As I truly believe we are all creations from the Universe! We are made of it, So therefore we are connected to it!
  This is not saying that a God didn't create the Universe! Because this is somewhat what my beliefs are! That just maybe one did! Or at least something did!

 I believe we are all energy, and when we die are physical shells are left behind while our energy disperses back to once where it may have come from, the Universe!
  I classify myself as spiritual because I don't actively follow, and practice any faiths, or religions! With this it leaves me somewhat stuck I suppose more on the Science end of the spectrum, I suppose?

 But for those that don't know it there are faiths such as the Baha"i or Which are a little newer on the scene from the 1800's era.
 This type faith kinda holds beliefs such as my thinking in a way! Something like Religion, and Science are equal is a way of their Religion.
  But the problem with these type faiths, and my Baptized faith, are the fact there can be no others! Just mine! No false Idols, or Profits! I, by rule of my Religion can only follow the one path, and belief! Which is a hard pill for me to swallow!
 But if you look at the old testament this was the problem with the rest of the people as well, so they wandered. and started believing in other Idols, and Profit's, So God wiped em' all out! And then would start anew! And on, and on it goes! Until we enter the New Testament with a man named Israel, and a whole other chapter evolves for Christianity!

 The point being their are choices! which If a true believer understands? this isn't right!
 So what's one to do with their free will of thinking? Turn their heads to God and ride the wind? Take a chance and wing it? See if maybe the odds are in your favor?
  The things that scare me the most are the Cult's! And some of their snake oil bull! This is when I wish people would just look at my way of thinking, and find some kind of salvation, or solace in this!
  This might piss some off, But the problem is some people are so lost, and some just so confused they need direction, and unfortunately it's usually the people that are very easily impressed, or one's of little will and weak minded in away, that get taken in by some of these false profits. If that's what you really want to call them!

  Right or wrong? Which one is the way to go? Who should one believe in more than the other? I dunno! But I do know people need to at least believe in something greater then themselves, whether it be spirituality, Religion, Science, Or just my way of thinking! We all need to see something besides ourselves, or we will get swallowed up, Lost with no direction, And this I do know!

 I'm not saying any which one is wrong! Believe me there! Because I don't know! If it works for you? It works for you! So go with it!Like I said though the Universe is a mighty big place, and we are awfully small, and insignificant in it! Though we are trying to excel somewhere in it.
 We as a species think of ourselves as being probably a little more brilliant than we should give ourselves credit for! And for those that follow these blogs know I say this quite a bit!
 Where will it all lead us? Maybe it's all at the other end of a Black Hole for all I know? But I do know if a single person thinks they are the greatest thing in this Universe, like a God like image, Or a true leader of all the people! I would be very leery, and probably walk the other way, Just as a suggestion! Or you just might end up on the next spaceship that's following some Comet like the Hale- Bopp Heavens gate gang!, But the only way to get onboard is by killing yourself, Well it just doesn't sound like much of a fun way of going to check out the Universe!
  Think I'll just wait until whatever feels it's my time to go, come and do it's thing! Hopefully the Universe will digest me a little better taken the natural way out!

 Try some free will, after all it's free! Free your mind from the restraints that some things are placed upon us by certain ways of thinking! Think of the Universe and all it's splendor! I am, You are, We all are made of it! We come from everything you see out there in all those images of our Universe!
 That's how I see the beauty in all people! Not by race, color, creed, religion, beliefs, hair color, eye color! We are all a part of this great creation! If you need to call it Heaven, or Val Halla, Fred, Or whatever it takes for you to make it work, Do it, and it will work!

  These images are just my way I perceive us! We are all unique, and I am quickly becoming an antique! But This is what works for me. I suppose one would call it faith! Maybe it's Science, Maybe it's Religion? I don't know, But I do know it works for me!

 This is where it truly becomes tricky with the paranormal, and I use caution like no other I'm sure!
 But the difference being I do know the bit's and pieces those in this field should be required to know in order to deal with true paranormal issues! I sometimes think that people that want to be involved in true paranormal studies be licensed! Or have some sort of requirement, Because I'll tell you I've seen some crazy stuff out there with some of these so called paranormal groups! And in all honesty it scares the bajesues outta me!
 Wielding powers they somehow think they have like it's no big thing! Or performing these rituals they've watched from some TV program, and have no true basic knowledge about what their doing whatsoever! Sometimes it's comical, But mostly not!
  It does truly bother me! And it should bother most people that have any kind of basic knowledge of faiths and Religions!
  Unfortunately there are a lot of people in this world nowadays that just don't know, care, or give a hoot! It really is a different world and the direction it's heading, I have to say is somewhat disconcerting, I think anyway! But that's just me!
  As a final note I have to throw this in here as I also am into Ufology as well! That pretty much says it all right there to some!
  But does believing in Alien life mean God is out of the picture? Well according to the Vatican, which came out and publically announced that they had changed there beliefs, and feel there could be intelligent life out there in our Universe a few years ago now! What would you think? Almost sounds like they already know the answer if you ask me!
 I have been hearing chit chat in the wind of how all the leaders of this great planet have been trying to let this info leak into our ears in baby steps'! So it won't be such a big shock when they drop the bomb that Ufo's have been visiting Earth! And for awhile now, But felt it best not to let the general public in on it!
 Because of the Faith and Religion issues! Go figure! Almost sounds about right especially after the Vatican dropping their bomb wouldn't you say?
"Though we may be the ruler of our Castle, What is a Castle without a Kingdom?" quote by Gary Cleaves

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Alabama witness says UFO lights appeared in triangle shape

               "Artist rendition of triangle shaped vessels by eye witness testimonies!"        

An Alabama witness at Pell City reported watching a hovering object with four lights that appeared to be a triangle shape, according to testimony in Case 63597 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
 The witness was eastbound along I-20 between Birmingham and Atlanta when the object was first seen about 10:56 p.m. on January 25, 2015.
“I saw a triangular-shaped object with four lights off to my left.” the witness stated. “I continued driving about 65 or 70 mph while I observed the craft. It seemed to be hovering or moving so slowly that I couldn’t tell.”
The object first caught the witnesses’ attention when it projected a light like a searchlight. You can read the rest of the story by clicking on the link above!

  Here is another real recent case and one I am going to poke at some, so bare with me! You will have to check it out first to see what I'm saying!


 Of course this being a newer story, and really an interesting shot, it just had to be put out there! Pretty amazing as to how far away the image really is! She had that zoomed to full tilt!
 Truly amazing she had even noticed it! But then again I wasn't there, so maybe it stuck out like a sore thumb! Especially with all of the illumanecence it seemed to be distributing! Hate to pay the power bill for that space craft!
  Then again a drop of dark energy would power the world for a million years! So what's a few light bulbs to the intelligent!
 Think if they were so smart they wouldn't need light bulbs? Or at least bright white lights we all can't help but notice! Hell even our military is smart enough to read by red light at night! A red light is hard to see from a distance in the darkness. Or at least for the human eye!
  We've been using that tech for 50 plus years! Seems as though they would have some covert night vision type of gear?
 I know that's probably some far off science fiction talk! But I believe In our time of existence, we just might have some form of night vision technology to allow us to see in the dark! Call me crazy! Who knows maybe they just think we're so stupid it doesn't matter if they leave the high beams on or not!
  Maybe they have navigation lights like us? But a whole lot more!
Granted they might come in handy for seeing when on the ground! But a mile up in the sky? What's to see up there?
  Ok it looks cool, and sticks out like a sore thumb! Sounds like something our Government would come up with to make everyone out their cry UFO's!!!
  Give's them a reason to test all their other high tech gear that we know nothing about! And you know we have something! Just can't have BILLIONS of dollars in a the black book budget go to nothing! Right?

   The reason for me adding this story is the fact of it being another triangle shaped object!
  For several years now I have been hearing, and seeing witness accounts of these triangle shaped vehicles, or crafts of sorts cruising our earthly realm! And mind you not just at night, but during daylight hours as well!  This Image below was the only actual photo taken during the Belgium incident in which the Military had direct contact by the Belgium Air Force! They had visual contact, Radar contact, as well as actual air to air encounters that consisted of high speed chases, and by being out maneuvered by a much superior craft of an unknown origin!  Cont.below.   
  • The Belgian UFO wave was a series of sightings of triangular UFOs in Belgium, which lasted from 29 November 1989 to April 1990. The Belgian UFO wave began in November 1989. The events of 29 November would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. This giant craft did not make a sound as it slowly moved across the landscape of Belgium. There was free sharing of information as the Belgian populace tracked this craft as it moved from the town of Liege to the border of the Netherlands and Germany. · Text under CC-BY-SA license                                 

    Continuation On top of that these crafts have been witnessed by people of all walks, and caliber of life, From police, civil servants, and even the military of certain Governments that don't have a problem with talking aloud of the strange objects that seem to be flying all over our apparently friendly skies!   
     There used to be a time when our Gov't took it very serious having unknown objects just pleasure cruising around our imaginary boundary lines! Not so much anymore since we've deemed these crafts a non threat by our National Security Agency!               

     This image was created by me for informative purposes only! All I did was download an app and presto! So please BEWARE! But by all means please trust me there are some very legitimate images, as well as very legit first hand accounts by high on the food chain types of people!                

    There have been thousands of documented cases! " Mutual UFO Network!" handles a very large case load of these reports, in which they catalog these events!
      So if one so chose to, and desired, and felt compelled to drop by their sight to scope the story out? One could do so by connecting to this link!
    If anyone may have noticed this is the second time I have placed their link in this blog! Go figure? Must be a reason why!

      Back to the triangle phenomena, and my theories on why, and what the reasoning for them being this shape!
      This triangle shaped craft are far from being any kind of new concept in the way of eye witness sightings! And I mean a lot longer then the saucer shaped gizmo's!
      They have been reported back too the days when people were still throwing rocks at one and other! It seems to me the design is and has been a popular one with our own military as well if no one has noticed?
      They have been trying to perfect this shape for eons now! The B-2 Stealth bomber is just an example of something I'm sure we have a grander scale of somewhere hiding in the shadows! Probably right under our noises and this is what a lot of people are actually witnessing!

      The big problem is the size of this that people witness! One would have to assume because of the size it was meant for a couple of different things!
    1. It was meant for long distance travel hence fourth the size, for a big pay load of whatever it may run for fuel, or energy! Plus supplies, and or space to hold things it's collecting from places it visits!
    2. It may be this size due to the engine it is running! Or reactor, Or something so far out of our league we couldn't even comprehend!
      Just imagine if it is jumping either around our Universe, Or multiverse jumping! Imagine what type of non combustion motor that thing would be running! Wouldn't be no Hemi!

      The shape or design is perfect for cruising in any conditions! Especially space though! The shape is made for it.
     Of course we already know this! Of course there are the other type shapes that are just as equally correct for certain types of travel, Such as the cigar shape.
      The saucer shape has been one that we all recognize as the typical UFO though! It is actually a great shape as well! Depending on how it is being run it is perfect for all types of crazy maneuvers that we could only dream of! Well wait a minute!
      Now I just said that did you know we have a fighter jet that is hands down the ultimate flying machine? It can perform things that still boggles my mind! Stop on a dime and turn! Kinda funny how this type craft has been made!

     I have seen this thing do things that are just unimaginable! Of course the pilot needs to wear this space age high tech suit in order stay alive because of the incredible forces it pulls.
      The big thing is we have this technology! So what else do we have? Some things do not surprise me, while others leave me wondering? Could we? It is possible? We have done some incredible things!
      This will some day come to light, but until then we will still be scratching our heads.
      Keep watching the sky though! Because if you see anything a mile in size I can pretty much guarantee it ain't ours!
      But use caution as I do feel that certain Gov'ts have motives to doop us all in wanting us to see and believe things! Why? I have my theories ,and if one really thought about it, Well it just might come together!
     Here are just a few more images that have been collected! All in the eye of the beholder What do you see? Happy hunting!