http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: BIGFOOT? Or maybe his teenage son?

Monday, January 5, 2015

BIGFOOT? Or maybe his teenage son?
Oddly enough this article in the link above came out a couple days after the article below in which led me to writing the blog! A mass sighting of bigfoot! My blog says it all! Happy reading!
        Click on link to view video of the Bigfoot sighting

  Maine is making the big time with a new sighting of none other than BIGFOOT!!! Hold the phone, Hold the presses! I am now waiting and I have to say most eagerly! For the next big piece of news with another sighting. Just give me a little more of something? This one piece will just not be enough, No way! I need more! We all need more, More, More!

  Ok, Ok, I'm calming down the Bigfoot scene has sunk in and it's over for now. Who knows maybe at some point that show Searching for Bigfoot will come and make us all look as nutty as them! Oops did I just say that? I meant something else, But couldn't seem to find the words! I actually do like the show! Do I think they will find Bigfoot? Well that's a different blog! But it would be one cool episode!  In all honesty I do believe in Bigfoot! Or at least I believe in the possibility that he/she/it could be possible! Bigfoot unlike UFO's and unlike Ghosts is something we as people can at least conceive.

  •    Number one bigfoot is suppose to be a living breathing creature and something that has been spoken of and seen by thousands, and even revered, or at least in a way by the Indians by placing images of sasquatch on their totem poles!
  •    Number two- Bigfoot has been spoken of so much over time I think everyone can actually picture them living in the woods in herds or pods just like bears or any other creature! Just the fact that we picture him living in the woods makes him real to us!
  •    Number three- unlike an alien we can envision the reality of a Bigfoot a little easier because he/she/it is on earth! Through the course of our planets history these types of creatures were a real possibility of roaming the earth. Not some creature from some far off planet traversing light years through the cosmos. The trillions of planets they have to sift through just to find this one little planet in the farther end of our own galaxies inner more interesting, and much more busier section!

  In all honesty I think people want a Bigfoot to be real just to keep alive the side of mystery and wonder! It makes our planet seem a little bigger in this modern age of technology when we can travel the world by a click of a button! By keeping alive the notion and possibility of bigfoot we are keeping alive the facts we have yet to discover everything there is on our own little piece of real estate  in the cosmos. The crazy part is what happens when we find a Bigfoot? What does and would that mean? Where would that leave us? What would we have to do to satisfy our curiosity once we find one? Study how this species has managed to stay hidden all this time would be the big thing to want to know!

 Thinking back to when Star Wars first came out and we all got to see Chewbacca for the first time, I think made us envision this is how Bigfoot was, and looked! I think it peeked peoples thoughts of bigfoot once again! Heck if he is like what was in Star Wars well then they are space traversing creatures! And this is why we don't see them all the time! They probably just come to earth as some sort of survival training course! Their mission is to stay undetected and not to be captured or killed! The reason they are always seen with no pieces of clothing or weapons is a disguise to blend in with  our nature! And what we see as familiar!

 Now is this thinking to far fetched? Maybe what we should do is correlate UFO sightings with Bigfoot sightings and see if there happens to be a connection? WOW that would be a story! Or even better yet maybe an alien species is putting these creatures we call Bigfoot here on this planet in order to hone in on their hunting skills like the movie AVP (Alien-vs-Predator!) Because unlike any of our wild animals a Bigfoot is a creature much like a human. Able to rationalize and think, smart enough to evade and survive. Or at least able to put up some type of intelligent effort! I could see this as a challenge for hunting, and even something humans would be stupid enough to be involved in at some point of our creation!

  Well I'm sure this has all been some pretty heavy stuff to absorb, But all you have to do is really give it a thought and then ask yourself, What if?
Society of Paranormal Research in Maine