http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: January 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Traversing our Universe!

What a long strange trip it's been!
(and still will be!)

Hubble's deep view image of the beginning of the Universe!
See more images by Hubble! Click here
  If anybody out there is, as I am, they have gazed upon this image and gone into a trance!  If you really look at it closely, or in an abstract way you can see even more fainter stars, and actually a lot more! 
 On top of that just the thought that in this image we are looking back 14.2 Billion light years! I have a hard time wrapping my head around those figures. It would never be possible to visit, that's for sure!
With the launch of a new space bound telescope we will be able to see further then even this image by Hubble! The "James Webb Space Telescope!" will hopefully unlock the beginning of our Universe! (Launch date "2018")
  I have just sat, and stared into this image! I have thought about life, death, other possible alien life! The sheer though of the distance that separates it all from each other boggles my mind!
  This one image was taken looking at a spot in space the size of our moon! So now one must think of the other 99% of space around it! Think of the rest of the billion's of galaxies in a endless traverse through the darkness of space!
  Will it end? Does it end? In the scientific theory there has to be an end. Or at the very least our Universe will collapse back in on itself eventually.
  If this is the case, and there is an end. What would it look like? Would it be like a wall? Or possibly an invisible shield that can't be penetrated? What about if at the end there was just a bunch of more black space? Maybe everything could possibly go to, if there were enough steam for things to keep going!
  An endless void of blackness? Well the other thing to think of, is the fact that at the beginning there is a void of blackness from where everything has been pushed away from where it all started!    
 Another thing to think of is when all of the matter, from everything has been used up, and burns out, well that would leave a lot of blackness as well.
 I guess the point is there is a lot of empty blackness in space no matter which direction we all roll! and at some point depending on how things all play out, well the entire universe as we know it, could end up an endless black void!
  The big question is what was it all for? Why was this all placed here? Is there a greater thing we just aren't aware of?
  Maybe this has been a cycle that has happened over, and over, and over, and has always just began, and then ended! It just keeps going on, and on!
 There is a theory on this as well, and I honestly thought, I was the only one that thought this up? Well I guess not because here it is! The Big Bounce!
  Though I have my own theories why, and they were a little different then this idea! So I  guess I can't get in trouble for plagiarism. (Hopefully!) 
  Maybe the reason it all ends again is something like a cleansing? It just keeps happening, until whatever it is, that is supposed happen, ends up coming out right!
  Maybe this is an experiment in hopes of something coming out right on a grander scale then we can comprehend? Or just hadn't thought about yet?
  Maybe we are the key? The Universe has been constantly beginning, and ending while in the process of trying to create life, or life such as us!
   The one thing that is a guarantee! We will never know what happens! and even if we, as a civilization, did make it to the Universe's bitter end, and if any of the theories are true! What's the point of documenting it? We sure won't be digging it up on our next run of creation!
  Just as a note; that with Religion in the bible, God had wiped out people a few times! because he wasn't satisfied with the creation he/she had ended up with! people kept on letting him/her down! Maybe there's something going on here such as that?
  I hate mixing science with the God factor, but after I had thought up that theory of things just repeating itself! that had entered my mind as a coincidental thought.
  Maybe there is some weight to that! Who knows? But it does seem to me that things will just not zap out, and completely end at some point!
  This is where I would have to go with the big crunch theory! Once it all rewinds back to the beginning, it all would create the Big Bang again. 
  This analogy, I could very much live with! and one that seems to make the most sense!
  Would you find that just to hard to believe? Especially when you look at the picture at the top of this page? Vast endless amounts of space and galaxies!
  Do you see what I see and think? All those billions of galaxies, and billions of stars! how can we be the only intelligent life?
  When you look at all the factors involved in the process of us being here, in existence! Any of it, even being possible? it truly is a long shot gamble of everything getting just right!
  How do I know? Especially because I am not a scientist, or at least not one of any pedigree.
 Well if we were a common possibility, or one of any kind of intelligence for that matter. We would be seeing signs of it everywhere we looked! We would hear it in the signals flying all around in space! We would be part of some kind of universe federation! Unfortunately it just hasn't happened, or at least yet!               
  I don't know about you, but I haven't heard of any intelligent signals coming through lately, have you? Well maybe it depends on what the type of signal it is? And what we're told! 
Famous and one of the most widely believed best proof
images! Taken by a professional photographer that was
working with a Gov't survey crew on board a ship off of
Trinidad Island
  Then we are left with the possible visitation of  Ufo's that are seen, and some that are very, very hard to dismiss!
  I have thought about this until blue in the face! Asking what are these crafts? Where have they come from?
  Then I look at the image at the top of this page. The thought that comes to mind as the only possibility of where these things could be coming from, well it's a very short list!                                                                                   
                                        Einstein's theory on time travel
 #1.  They're us from the future! Coming back for whatever reason? Maybe there a bunch of teens? Out on a Friday night, saying hey let's go mess around with our ancient relatives, Doing some cow mutilations just to make us wonder? 
 In the case of abductee's, and what they have been experiencing, maybe some of these are outlaws from our future! On the run from the time traveling cops, and these types are committing sex crimes, and other  hostile things like torture! 
 Then again maybe those type of things that people are experiencing are meant for a scientific reason? Because something has gone wrong with our species in the future, and they are on search of a specific gene, or they have all become sterile, and need us to keep their population going?
  Dr. Steven Greer made a statement that all abductee's are  experiencing things that are due to some military, or gov't type of event to misslead the public, and make the actual Ufo events as some kind of foolishness! (Their way of Ufo bashing!)
  That statement I cannot agree with!  I can't say with any definitive proof that it is not really happening to people! (But I do believe it is!)
  Nor can he know with any actual proof say his theory is correct!  One thing is for certain, that with him saying this he has hurt things more so in his statement than helped in his cause! As well as not making himself look to good!
 Why he doesn't believe in the possibility? I can't say! Except maybe just like everyone else that haven't had it happen to them
they find it to hard to believe it's even possible! So therefore it can't be true!
 Out of anybody in this world, I would think he should know better! After all he sit's out in the dessert, in groups, and does these meditations while holding hands hoping to beam their thoughts to Ufo's!
  They call it directing their energy! because the aliens onboard the Ufo's can pick it up telepathically! But he doesn't believe people can  be abductee's?
 Maybe he's just jealous they haven't chosen him? C'mon Steven I use to hold you in high regards! Your killin' me here!
   Our Milky Way Galaxy
  #2.  They are actually an intelligent being from our own galaxy, and they have heard our noise that we litter into space. Maybe the nuclear testing was something that had spiked an interest and caught their attention!
  I say from our own same galaxy, because the chances are almost non- existent, and I mean slim! that they had found us by just galaxy hopping. Not with all the galaxies out there! (BILLIONS!)    
 Then you have the Billions of stars, and planets in each galaxy. well that would be some time consuming work to say the least! Running around each galaxy searching for other habitable planet's, or maybe even the chance of life.
  The other big factor is having to drive the speed limit 671 MMPH! (Million Miles Per Hour!) Or 186,000 MPS (Miles Per Second!) Sure that might sound fast! until you think it would take you 100,000 years to cross our own Milky Way galaxy!- "if you could travel the speed of light!"

 Worm hole below and Bottom is a  3d image of Dark Matter
  #3.  This could go either way, but maybe their from another galaxy, and they were searching for an Earth like planet because that's what they needed to sustain their life needs!
So they found Earth! Everything that they needed to seed life!  But for this matter they could of been from this galaxy as well!
  All the things in order for their seeding factors were found here. With the water, temperature, atmosphere, and organic growth capabilities! 
  I am saying this because in both one, and two, they would have to be able to know a way of getting around the universal speed limit!
  I would have to think that if there is a species of higher intelligent out there, and they have been zipping around the universe for eons, They would know a way of bending space and time without a doubt!
  Of course other theories can be applied to the speed factor, such as Worm Holes, or the like! Then again maybe they had found a way to use Dark Matter? There could be endless possibilities of how, and what you could accomplish with the aid of dark matter! There are possibilities, but with possible limitations! 

 The reasons for them looking for an Earth like planet though wasn't for them to carry on their heritage, or to live on, but rather to cultivate us for their needs! 
  As far out as that might sound, one would have to look at some of the medical practice's we human's perform! As well as the experimental procedure's that are done! An example would be (Stem Cell Research!)  
  Certain procedures are very controversial and this is just an example of what we humans do, so why wouldn't an advanced alien species think the same thing?
 We go as far as growing body parts on other animals as well! Such as ears on mice as an example, and it goes a lot further than that!                     

Travel guide dimensions
  #4. The final one in my book is Interdimensional Traveling
This being the one I lean towards more so then all others!
 Though I have a strong desire for it all to be the way of the second, or third method more so!
 With logics being on board this is the one that would be the most practical. especially for the means of travel at least!
 The problem though is would we actually be able to travel to different areas in our own Universe by this method? Or would we enter a whole different Universe? There are lot's of theories, and hypothesis, but it's my beliefs nobody could say with any certainty!
  It has always been my beliefs that dimensional traveling would bring you to a different reality, or it being a parallel dimension! 
  So I'm a little confused on if it would help us traverse through the actual universe in any way?
  I do believe we will make this happen someday, but I am uncertain of the outcome and wonder what the repercussions will be?
           a 3D map of our known universe
There is an awful lot of space out there, and with that leaves an awful lot of theories, speculations, wants, wishes, desires, dreams, etc!
  Everyone looks at these things with their own opinions, and some apply their scientific two cents in it and it isn't worth a bean!
  Carl Sagan knew that with all the amounts of creation out there that of course we cannot be alone! I believe this as well and I think the Universe is teaming with life! Maybe not all like us, but I believe there is a wide variety, and someday we will find a type of life close to home!
  Intelligent life I think will find us, and already has! I have stated my thoughts and theories about this in other blogs. Things such as what they may be, and what they are doing, and what they want!
  I have never thought things such as Steven Hawkins when he said, it may not be to smart to roll out the red carpet, and show our location, and all the information that we had placed on the Voyager space craft! when in the Jungle theory!
  Hiding would never solve anything, and sure wouldn't help in our search for life. I know his concerns when he made that remark, but I am fairly certain no matter how stealthy we would try to be, they will know where were at way before us them!
 There is several hypothesis as to what could potentially happen to are Universe, and we had discussed a few in this article. One we left out is the Big Rip! This is one I hope not to have happen, but it is always a possibility! The Universe being torn apart! Sounds like something we humans would not even be able to escape from, unless we found a way to jump into different dimensions?
  I really don't see why any intelligent life out there would have any reason to wipe us out, or take us over, or anything for that matter!
  If we were more of a threat, well that would be a different story!
  There is also another piece of equipment that is trying to learn about the big bang, and it isn't anything we need a telescope to have to view with! It's right here on Earth! That's the Large Hadron Collider!
  With this particle collider smashing all sorts of particles we may discover and unlock all the mysteries of the universe, and even discover dimensional questions as well!
  It's big mission was to discover what happened at the moment of the Big Bang! Though we have speculated, this will hopefully enlighten us with the true answers!
  With this machine, there are truly some great mysteries we will be able to conquer!
 So with everything that has been laid in front of you in this article has these put your gears into motion? Are the wheels of thought spinning? Trying to wrap your head around the possibilities? The sheer distance of everything from each other is just staggering!
  The one thing that will happen at some point is we will be attempting to traverse it at some point! We will invent something that speeds us through the Cosmos at some point!
 We will have to make it something fast as well considering it would take us 100,000 years to cross our own Milky Way Galaxy! And then if we wanted to check out another Galaxy the closest one to us is the Andromeda Galaxy! And that is a mere 2.5 million light years away! Just a small skip across the pond!
                                        Andromeda Galaxy! 


 I think at some point in our evolution we will unlock enough of our brains true capacity that we will open the doorway to the Universe! We will pioneer our way around the Cosmos, whether it be by vessel, or another not yet known form of transportation, We will find a way! Or maybe we already know of one? Check out the next blog and see!   
                                                                       Worm hole!

Blog Written by: Gary Cleaves
Property of: Society of Paranormal search in Maine!
Do not use/duplicate/copy without the express permission of
 the Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!
I'm adding this link that I feel important, and one that I relate to in all so many ways! I thank him for putting this video together! Great stuff!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Swamp Gas? Sure!

                              Swamp Gas!!!
     The above link is video of several different images of this   particular event in which was witnessed by numerous people! The  picture's below were from the same event as well in Houston, Texas in Aug, 2014!
 Just like a broken record here we go again! What is it? Where is it from? And why is it here?
  Well we got that out of the way now down to the nitty gritty! I would like to point out the obvious, as in the fact it is "Unidentifiable", I believe It's "Flying", And of course it's an "Object"! --(UFO)--
  So with all these great images that had been captured from this event, and all the hoopla that the press gave it, how come we haven't heard anything from our military or Gov't on this issue? 
Apparently it proved not important enough I guess?
Maybe their wasn't enough evidence or proof to need bother with it any further!
  I forgot the military doesn't bother checking stuff like this out anymore because they say that ufo's pose no National Security threat to us, so no need to worry folks! We're all safe because they said so!
  Now if it had landed and a bunch of unrecognizable creatures poured out of it and started laser blasting the city of Houston well, I bet the military would of said It was a surprise attack! and there was nothing that could of been done to prevent it!
  Not like we had any heads up or anything of the ufo phenomena?
Of course that isn't something I would wish for but, I sure wish one would at least give us common folk a metaphysical knuckle bump of sorts! Just to let us know their here!...
   I personally have no doubts of extraterrestrial life or, of the possibilities of them visiting us here on terra firma but, my burning desire in all honesty is to know what they really look like?
   I mean really now, I hope people aren't expecting to see something that resembles us walk out of one of these interstellar vehicles, or are you?
   Just a quick little biology note about that possibility. There isn't a possibility! Well I'll take that back a little because the only way they could resemble us or, we them, is if they had somehow planted us here genetically way back in the day!
   Think about our evolution, we are very unique and, I mean very!
Our facial features being a huge factor! like 2 eyes facing forward, 2 ears on each side of our head, a very small mouth well, some of us anyway! there are a few people at the kids high school athletic games that could challenge that last statement!
   Anyway we are made very specifically our own way! and in order for anything else to resemble us they would of had, to had the exact some brewing process through the course of our evolution!
  they would of had to of eaten the same exact quantity of meat as us in order to get the exact right amount of protein as us! Once we learned how to master fire, meat was a real delicacy from then on out of course! And that alone helped make our brain double in size!
  See there are some pretty exact things that must take place for something to even remotely resemble things like us! And without those things well, the chances are that Zorg from planet Echolone9 will more than likely have a whole new look then we might imagine! Or want to imagine for that matter!
   I'm sure people have seen enough sci-fi movies to get the general idea, but most of those images are even incorrect!, and not even possible in most case's!
  Life needs to have a certain layout in the feature area in order to perform tasks that are a must! especially in any kind of interstellar type travelling!
Some type's of creatures we have seen that are supposed aliens, just isn't possible! Or I should say just isn't efficient for any type of long term survival!
  And sorry to say but, that's just the way it is! Sure I would like to envision some of these things we've seen in Hollywood movies be the one's to meet at the alien greeting party! But it just won't happen or be that way! 
  An easy way to think about this is by our own evolution. The conditions we have had to survive in which molded our features the way they are today!
  For instance our eyes are smaller than a creature that gets around during the night! The bigger the eyes the more light to get in!
 So imagine an alien that would have different conditions to survive in!  Maybe they have real long days, and real short nights, because they have a couple of sun's!
  Well they might have these small tubes that protrude out of their heads with these 2 small eyeballs in them! We'll make it cool so, they can bend those tubes to be able to almost see behind them without having to turn around. Well it's a thought and who could really say?
  Maybe their mouth is down around their stomach area so food has less of a distance to travel? Maybe the don't need a nose to smell with because they can sense things through their skin much like a shark!
   How about their ears? Maybe they have something like the ears of a horse, or cat? The way they cab turn and rotate them towards sounds? They would be a lot better then ours!
 In all reality ours should have been this way as well! Especially for our early survival when we were being hunted!
   The big problem we as in Humans need familiarity in order for us to relate to creatures! for many reasons though, so Let's hope whatever these beings may resemble, that it's something we won't freak out over, and feel the need to eradicate all the nasty looking creatures because they have no room in our Universe! 
After all we are supposed to have been created in the image of God, According to our Christian beliefs anyway!
 What would that mean for every other odd looking being in our great Universe that isn't a resemblance to us? I shiver at the thought!
   In all actuality none of that would matter! Number one for the reason if they have managed to pioneer their way around the Universe they more than likely have some wicked weapons of massive destruction! (WWMD's) 
  So picking on a being because of their vanity or, possible unattractiveness would definitely not be a smart tact!
  Then again once these beings get a peek at us they may just decide WE have no place in their "BEING BEAUTY PADGENT UNIVERSE!" So off with our heads possibly! 
  Maybe they'll take pity on us poor hideous humans and grant us asylum out here between the Snickers and Baby Ruth Galaxies down on Milky Way Drive!
  So if anybody could tell us all what that was fluttering around over Houston, Texas back in Aug, 2014? it may be best to keep it to yourselves! before people get scared of the possible hideous aliens that want to suck all of our planets natural resources out from underneath us!
 Oh wait a minute! We've almost already accomplished that! so more than likely they'll just exterminate us all!
 So nice knowing ya! Have a great day!!! 
:FOOTNOTE:  I had posted the blog before putting in one more thing that I think important!
  When I was talking about features with us, and with aliens I had always thought of one reason why aliens may have an interest with us and it seems like one with merit!
  Say the an alien species has limits because of their physical layout, For instance their legs are to short, or their arms are to long compared to their body!
  When people talk of alien abductions and are very adamant of it happening think about why they would?
   They may have a fascination with our physical layout! Maybe this is why we always hear of the aliens interest with our sexual anatomy and the extraction of things like the male's semen!  
  Maybe they are trying to combine their genetics with humans but, not like people may think for, But rather for the gain in their own downfalls and physical restraint because of their own layout!
  Combining their intelligence with our anatomy may in fact be the ultimate being in the Universe!
 Physical dexterity that can be pushed to great limits, along with a superior intelligence on board to run it all!
 It really isn't all that far fetched now is it? Doesn't sound at all like something we would do does it? Sure!
  We have already messed with the genetics of creatures trying to do exactly what I just mentioned, so sure I could imagine something like that being a real possibility! We just get a little offended by them doing it without our consent!
   I'm sure that if all the creatures we have messed with in all of the horrible experiments we have done could voice their opinion, I'm fairly certain they wouldn't be very happy with us either!
  Just some more to think about!

Points to ponder!


  I'm sure everyone has heard the above statement when in context to the UFO phenomena.
 The Gov'ts hiding the truth because of the possible backlash of the fear people may display!
  In a way they may have good reasoning for this if you
think about it for a minute! If you may of heard of the original broadcast of Orson Wells radio show "War of the Worlds"?
So if you've heard of it, have you heard of what happened with the public when they heard the program live on the air?
  Well if you hadn't, what happened was total hysteric's with a large portion of the public! People grabbed their weapons, Some jumped in their cars and started speeding off towards safety!
 People were literally running around their neighborhoods in a panic screaming it's the end of the world! People were grabbing their families and taken shelter in their basements, root cellars, bunkers they had built for war time!

  This was in no way was an exaggeration of what happened! People were terrified! So if one thinks about what happens later on when the incident at Roswell happens well, needless to say when the first report came out and it stated "We have captured a crashed Flying Saucer" it wasn't going to take long for someone to do the math on that!

 Total deniability! No UFO! as a matter of fact it was the furthest thing away from a UFO!
  It was nothing more than an innocent weather balloon! Go figure? It couldn't even have been a plane because that would have sounded worse when retracting the first comments saying it was a UFO. and now it's a plane! Oh boy wouldn't of been good on their part seeing how their on the biggest air plane defense base in the west and they couldn't tell the difference between a ufo and a plane? Wow!
 So yeah that wouldn't have sounded to good but, Let's say it's a weather balloon and that will make more sense and sound better...  Sure!

  If these guys are on an air base and have no idea of the difference between a weather balloon and an obvious ufo, according to the original reports released to the press of what it was.
 I wonder how safe people felt back then knowing this was the same place that had nuclear bombs at it? and none there can tell the difference between a weather balloon and a interstellar craft?

 Let's say that the truth had been told and we had found an actual ufo, lets push it a little more and throw in a small crew of alien bodies that had actually been recovered as well! How would of that played out do you suppose?
 The other big thing to keep in mind is the time period and, not to look at it like now but rather back then! It was a very different world then today even though it wasn't all that long ago.
 Things such as peoples values towards religion, life styles and family values were very strong and very different than now!
 It would of been a huge impact where people would of more than likely lost it! We're talking like out of control lost it! This is what the military and Gov't were fully aware of! So  they opted to go the other direction!
  The religion factor was a staple that really held society together during these times. When times of war were at play, and the depression not far from the rear view! Bringing an issue into play such as alien life! Well it would of been hard to contain the probable hysteria.
 The God factor would have been in true danger! Where would faith fit into this new discovery of other life in the universe? The same faith that we have always used to defend and aid us during times of famine, natural disasters, and war!

 God be with us! Well if he/her is with us who is watching over these beings from outer space? This really would have put an amazing amount of pressure on the people at this time! Things such as this were always portrayed as something to fear!
 No small thanks to Hollywood, And of course Mr. Orson Wells! So society would of just been to hard pressed to be able to handle such an issue as aliens and the like!

 Unfortunately because of the way it was covered up there was no way they could ever come out and admit it was a cover up or lie. So the hole had been dug and they knew it, but they haven't figured a way to stop the lying without having serious backlash, so they just keep on the same course.

  The staying on course by lying was pretty obvious when in 1996 the Gov't came out and admitted they had deceived the people by lying about the actually events in Roswell in '47.
  The new story most now know is, there was a secret program called "Mogul" going on! It supposedly was a top secret program with these never seen before high altitude balloons that carried highly sensitive instruments that could detect whether or not someone had set off a nuclear bomb on the other side of the planet!

  Well the kicker to the whole story was that the tracking device some how or other failed and they lost track of it! Next thing that happens is it crashes on the sheep farm. Then the military out of Roswell is notified, and now it make's history as a Flying Saucer!
   The real crazy thing with this whole new story was that lot's of people ate it right up! I mean like full whole heartedly ate it up! to the point that if you didn't you were nut's!
  I wouldn't have to be any type of paranormal believer to realize this whole new story was a crock of shit!  Pardon my honesty, although It was very well thought up but, gimmie a break!

  As a modern society I believe we would be able to handle hearing that ufo's are real and alien life is a known thing!
 I think even if they admitted that we have been constantly lied to, and treated like a bunch of buffoons, that most of society would exonerate the Gov'ts behavior! I think society would be able to accept it because of all the bull crap that happens in our Gov't today anyway!
 I look at it as something to expect from the people we have put in power and entrusted to our well being and safety to treat us like! That's what is truly the shameful part which should piss off society But, I know it won't!
 People will just take it like always! People have just been so use to being talked to a certyain way some just can't see what is right and wrong anymore! They just continue on the path that is told to them.

  The funny thing about this all is the fact that certain people that believe in aliens, and the ufo phenomena are shunned by certain people and looked at as foolish and nuts in society!
  We are the people that at least have the common sense to know when were being lied to and treated like fools! 
  This is what will make it so much sweeter when the truth unfolds and the people that were blinded by their own arrogance will struggle with reality when the fun begins!
  We "as in the people" like myself, that have a clue with the deceit, and web of lies we are told! will be getting by like it's just another day.
I really do wonder how it would play out? I wish to live long enough to see it all unfold! Mainly because I really, really, want to rub it into a few faces! And I don't mean about the Alien part! I mean about being lied to part!

   It's bad enough our Gov't has to have all these special lawyers that look for loop holes in our Constitution, or try to see how far they can push things before it really pisses someone off because their violating it and over stepping the boundaries of it!
  Pretty sad when our Gov't which is suppose to be the one's upholding our Constitution are the one's abusing it and totally hands down violating it!
  If anyone out there needs more info on ways they have been doing these things please let us know and we will be happy to send you detailed proof!
  Invasion of our home privacy is a big one with myself! As an example:  We find out years later from a leak that our own law enforcement has been using a special device that can see through the walls of our homes and tell who's inside and how many, It can even detect if we're breathing!
  Now they've been using this for a few years now and the general public wasn't even aware they had this technology period, Yet alone using it on it's own people! Isn't that one of the biggest no, no's with violating our rights?
 Our home privacy use to be like the biggest right we had! Not anymore! They mind as well stop trying to preserve our constitution and just flush it down the drain! Because that's all it's apparently good for anymore!

  They have gotten so use to doing things a certain way and pushing it more and more! First by the lie's and getting away with it! Then they start violating your constitutional rights a little at a time until they finally step right out of the box! Well the scary thing is what's next?
  This is something all Americans should really start to THINK about!
 Before that right is taken away from you as well!

  If you want more examples to the truth! Please feel free to ask and we will happily send you the actual reports.



Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cultures and Ghosts!

The Chinese living with ghosts!

There are many ghosts in Chinese culture; they have been worshipped by the Chinese for a few thousand years. Even Confucius said, "Respect ghosts and gods, but keep away from them." While many people believe in ghosts, there are others who don't. The Chinese people often say, "If you believe it, there will be, but if you don't, there will not."
  The ghost is a classical image in Chinese culture, i.e., the young woman whose face is covered by long black hair, who dies due to misfortune, then comes back for revenge.
  The word "ghost" for many Chinese conjures up similar images. Often the ghost is a beautiful young woman. The sudden switch from a beautiful girl to a frightening ghost is striking. The seemingly fragile, helpless and beautiful women turning into fearless killers is a favorite theme among Asian movie directors and storywriters.

  Chinese Ghost Festival Just as the West features Halloween for ghosts and ghouls, the Chinese have a holiday to honor the departed spirits of the underworld -- the Chinese Ghost Festival. It is said that ghosts roam the world every year for one lunar month. In some areas of China, visitors can see small roadside fires, where believers burn paper money and other offerings to appease the restless spirits that have temporarily been released from Hades. The
 Chinese Ghost Festival is also called "Half July" (Lunar). It is a popular occasion celebrated throughout China on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. Historically, families offer sacrifices of the newly harvested grain to departed ancestors on this day, which also coincides with the Buddhist Ullambana (Deliverance) Festival and the Taoist Chinese Ghost Festival.
 Since each of these traditions in some way honors the spirits of the departed, the seventh lunar month has come to be known as "Ghost Month" and is a time when the "Good Brethren" (ghosts from the underworld) come back to earth to feast on the victuals offered by the living. Over time the Ullambana Festival and Ghost Festival have melded together to become the present-day Chung Yuan Putu or "Mid-origin Passage to Universal Salvation."

 The Chinese believe that the dead become ghosts between heaven and earth. Spirits without descendants to care for them are summoned during the Ghost Festival so that they may also enjoy the warmth of life among the living.
 This custom -- an extension of the traditional Chinese ethic of "universal love" -- has been woven together with the didactic legend, "Moginlin Saving His Mother From Hades." It lends the Ghost Festival a positive spin as a time for remembering the importance of filial piety. People now have inherited releasing river light as an important activity. It is said that river light can comfort and warm homeless ghosts.

 This is just an example of one of many types of cultures where their society has held firm in their traditions and beliefs of such things!
  In ancient Japanese culture ghosts are seen as suicide victims who come back to reek havoc on the living. Japanese culture produced story of a ghostly woman who told men to torture and kill a man she blamed for her murder. Another traditional story suggest that a warlord was haunted by many people he killed. The Japanese believed that ghosts are everywhere and easy to conjure.

Mexican culture
 There is extensive and varied belief in ghosts in Mexican culture. The modern state of Mexico before the Spanish conquest was inhabited by diverse peoples such as the Maya and Aztec, and their beliefs have survived and evolved, combined with the beliefs of the Spanish colonists.
 The Day of the Dead incorporates pre-Columbian beliefs with Christian elements. Mexican literature and movies include many stories of ghosts interacting with the living.

After death the soul of the Aztec went to one of three places: Tlalocan, Mictlan, and the sun.
 The Aztec idea of the afterlife for fallen warriors and women who died in childbirth was that their souls would be transformed into hummingbirds that would follow the sun on its journey through the sky. Those who drowned would go to Tlalocan, the first level of the upper worlds.
 Souls of people who died from less glorious causes would go to Mictlan, the lowest level of the underworld, taking four years and passing through many obstacles to reach this place.
 The Cihuateteo, spirits of human women who died in childbirth, were not benevolent. On five specified days of the Aztec calendar they descended to earth and haunted crossroads, hoping to steal children whom they had not been able to have themselves.
The Cantares Mexicanos is an important collection of lyric poetry transcribed from Náhuatl into Roman letters around 1550 CE, about 30 years after the fall of Tenochtitlan.
 In his 1985 edition of these poems, John Bierhorst interprets the poems as "ghost songs" that were intended to summon the spirits of dead Aztec warriors back to earth to help their descendants under Spanish rule.
 If the songs were successful the ghosts would descend from heaven fully armed and ready to fight, demanding payment in human sacrifice.[ This interpretation is, however, controversial.

Maya beliefs 

The traditional Maya live in the continual presence of the "(grand)fathers and (grand)mothers", the usually anonymous, bilateral ancestors, who, in the highlands, are often conceived of as inhabiting specific mountains, where they expect the offerings of their descendants. In the past, too, the ancestors had an important role to play, with the difference that, among the nobility, genealogical memory and patrilineal descent were much more emphasized. Thus, the Popol Vuh lists three genealogies of upper lords descended from three ancestors and their wives. These first male ancestors - ritually defined as "blood letters and sacrificers" - had received their private deities in a legendary land of origins called "The Seven Caves and Seven Canyons" (Nahua Chicomoztoc), and on their disappearance, left a sacred bundle. In Chiapas, at the time of the Spanish conquest, lineage ancestors were believed to have emerged from the roots of a ceiba tree. Comparable beliefs still exist amongst the Tz'utujiles.

 Looking at how the Chinese honor the thought of their dead is strikingly familiar sounding to the customs of the Spanish in South America! These type of events date back thousands of years! Way before either society had met to examine each others cultures and ways of life! When reading below about  how they celebrate the "Day of the dead" in South America keep in mind how the Chinese had done their honoring as well!

--Day of the dead--

Families tidying and decorating graves at a cemetery in Almoloya del Río in the State of Mexico
Main article: Day of the Dead
The Day of the Dead (Spanish: El Día de los Muertos), is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and by Latin Americans living in the United States and Canada.
 The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The celebration occurs on November 2 in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day (November 1) and All Souls' Day (November 2).
 Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts.
 Due to occurring shortly after Halloween, the Day of the Dead is sometimes thought to be a similar holiday, although the two actually have little in common. The Day of the Dead is a time of celebration, where partying is common.
The Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico can be traced back to the indigenous cultures. Rituals celebrating the deaths of ancestors have been observed by these civilizations perhaps for as long as 2500–3000 years.
The festival that became the modern Day of the Dead fell in the ninth month of the Aztec calendar, about the beginning of August, and was celebrated for an entire month. The festivities were dedicated to the god.[8] known as the "Lady of the Dead," corresponding to the modern Catrina.

 People go to cemeteries to communicate with the souls of the departed who are paying a holiday visit home. The descendants build private altars, containing the favorite foods and beverages, as well as photos and memorabilia, of the departed. The intent is to encourage visits by the souls, so that the souls will hear the prayers and the comments of the living directed to them.

 In most regions of Mexico, November 1 honors children and infants, whereas deceased adults are honored on November 2. This is indicated by generally referring to November 1 mainly as "Día de los Inocentes" (Day of the Innocents) but also as "Día de los Angelitos" (Day of the Little Angels) and November 2 as "Día de los Muertos" or "Día de los Difuntos" (Day of the Dead).

 So there was a few examples of cultures and ghost! As we stated a few paragraphs ago about the similarity of how they honor their dead doesn't it seem strange that societies separated by thousands of miles of oceans have a similar belief and system of doing things?
 So we will share a few more cultures in the next blog and then we will look at the darker side of how these cultures have looked at the ghost factor! and the things that have been tried, and done, and believed! With communicating with these cultures dead ancestors!

 We wanted to add a few of the Spanish version ghost stories as well!                                                                                                

Modern ghost legends

La Llorona

"La Llorona" is Spanish for "The Crying Woman" and is a popular legend in Spanish-speaking cultures in the colonies of the Americas, with many versions extant.
 The basic story is that La Llorona was a beautiful woman who killed her children to be with the man that she loved and was subsequently rejected by him.
 He might have been the children's father who had left their mother for another woman, or he might have been a man she loved but who was uninterested in a relationship with a woman with children, and whom she thought she could win if the children were out of the way.
 She drowned the children and then, after being rejected anyway, killed herself. She is doomed to wander, vainly searching for her children for all eternity. Her constant weeping is the reason for her name. In some cases, according to the tale, she will kidnap wandering children or children who misbehave.

La Planchada

"La Planchada" is Spanish for "the ironed lady". Contrary to what people may assume because of the legend's title, La Planchada was not a woman who was crushed, rather it is similar to La Llorona. However, legend says it was a nurse who was attracted to a doctor and he rejected her, or a disgruntled nurse, or a nurse who killed her patient.
  Many variations of how she was created exist, but one consistent theme is that her ghost appears in many hospitals, though mainly in the metropolitan areas, especially in Mexico City.

  Many hospitals such as Hospital Juárez claim she appears there in her old 1930s/60s nurse uniform, which is perfectly ironed (hence the name "La Planchada") and heals patients in the emergency sections. Just as there are claims about how she was turned into a ghost, there are many others in which eyewitnesses claim she appears.
 Some say she emits a sort of glow. Others say she looks like a normal nurse. Others say she floats, while others say she walks normally, but her steps are never heard.
 This happens at night and the next morning patients feel better and are taken to another room for further recovery.
 When asked why they feel better, patients say that "a nurse came in and healed me", but no one in the hospital was either guarding the room or no nurse came at the time the incident happened.

Vanishing hitchhiker

In the Mexican version of the Vanishing hitchhiker urban legend, the hitchhiker is a beautiful woman, who chats with a stranger in a taxi.
 When she leaves as a normal person she leaves her address.
When the person tries to reach the woman at her home, he is informed the woman is dead and that it is also the anniversary of her death.

Cemetery hauntings

Often there are ghost legends associated with the older cemeteries. For example, the Panteón de Belén (also Santa Paula Cemetery), a historical cemetery located in Guadalajara, Mexico is the site of legends and night tours. The cemetery was opened in 1848 and it was formally closed in 1896. Legends that are part of the local folklore include the Vampire, The Pirate, The Lovers, The Monk, The Child afraid of the Dark, The Story of José Cuervo, The Nun and many more.

 It's almost as the dead aren't dead but rather just in a different place where we can still communicate and so fourth. Which is the actual belief!  but does that mean their classified as ghost? Or passed on spirits? Or are they the same as they always were but just somewhere else? We'll let you know in the next blogs so stay tuned!