http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: Eeeck,GHOST!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Eeeck, GHOST!

This was a test and only a test! If in case this had been an actual emergency you would have been directed to call us! the "Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!"
In our last blog we had been on the topic of "Paranormal Mania!"I should have emphasized we have no problems with anybody wanting to make a buck! Heck who doesn't? The big thing with me as the director of our organization is the what's, and why's I had gotten involved in this field in the first place for! Mostly it was to make sense, document, and help!
As a kid I was plagued by some pretty terrifying stuff of the paranormal nature. In my case (Ghostly!) That's right a haunting! It wasn't until years later when I was in my teens and I started studying and researching did any of my experiences make sense! But now in these modern times things of the paranormal are on every channel on the t.v. and every corner of the internet! And hey that's all good and fine! The problem is how things are taken care of and handled and everyone on this blue planet see's this and thinks this is how it is! Some stuff is crazy, some just plain goofy,
Well you get the point I hope? It does make for entertainment and interesting t.v. I guess for some, Me I usually get mad and think everyone with a half a brain is going think we're all a bunch of crackpots or we're just a bunch of thrill seekers out for kicks! And at times it makes it hard for us to really find places to do some serious research and not have the rug pulled out from underneath us because some place has the chance of free advertising because some other group is in the lime light!
There are so many groups around the globe now who does one choose? The one with a few people? The one with the most people? The one with more on their web page? Or the one with a more professional looking web page because they somehow have a nicer bank account and can afford a professional web designer? Or the one that has been around the longest and might have more experience?
I can say in all honesty our group had never started getting involved in the internet social page networking until about a year ago! And no it wasn't because we just started doing paranormal investigations a year ago, It's I didn't want to be looked at like we were a fly by night group that just wanted to seek thrills as some are! To each is their own! For whatever reason everyone has gotten involved in this field is their own choice! I just wanted  us to still be taken as a serious paranormal research group and  not like we were doing some kind of t.v. production!
I have been involved in the paranormal for a very, very long time and I can tell you no one with any celebrity status has a clue as to who I am! Nor do I care! I love what we do with a passion very few could probably get, or understand! I'm not knocking anybody for doing what they do, or the way they do it, But when it interferes with the right and wrong way of aspects it does curdle my skin a bit, But I just watch and hope people don't think this is how things are, or are suppose to be! Y
ou ever notice in most of these t.v. shows it's just entertainment? Boy that was a stupid question! What about the people that are experiencing problems and need help? Well there is an occasional show you might have seen where the groups try to help, or had tried to help! Mostly it's about the entertainment on the viewers part! We are into the helping part just as much as the documenting part because that is how I started into doing this stuff and how I will end it!
We do get a lot of people that follow us in hopes to see a glimpse or catch some kind of action in one of our sites, And I do apologize to those because when we do show or post stuff it's real short and always just the highlight and seldom any video! There is reasons we have done things this way which is neither here nor there, But I've seen the light and realize what has to be done!  
Now with that being said for those that are only following us around for that reason don't get discouraged as we will be posting full length shows very soon! I say this with a half heavy heart, but I do get it! This is how things are in these times and in a way maybe we can have some fun at the same time!
I guess maybe  instead of just finding a graveyard somewhere to sit in for hopes of some kind of action because all the interesting spots have been so beaten to death by investigations that even the ghosts are hiding! maybe we'll start going to some spots that haven't been tainted yet by globs of other groups trying to break their way into fame and fortune! Hmmm, any ideas on places?  
Gary. C
Director/Founder -Society of Paranormal Research in Maine