Alabama witness says UFO lights appeared in triangle shape
"Artist rendition of triangle shaped vessels by eye witness testimonies!"
An Alabama witness at Pell City reported watching a hovering object with four lights that appeared to be a triangle shape, according to testimony in Case 63597 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was eastbound along I-20 between Birmingham and Atlanta when the object was first seen about 10:56 p.m. on January 25, 2015.
“I saw a triangular-shaped object with four lights off to my left.” the witness stated. “I continued driving about 65 or 70 mph while I observed the craft. It seemed to be hovering or moving so slowly that I couldn’t tell.”
The object first caught the witnesses’ attention when it projected a light like a searchlight. You can read the rest of the story by clicking on the link above!
Here is another real recent case and one I am going to poke at some, so bare with me! You will have to check it out first to see what I'm saying!
The reason for me adding this story is the fact of it being another triangle shaped object!
For several years now I have been hearing, and seeing witness accounts of these triangle shaped vehicles, or crafts of sorts cruising our earthly realm! And mind you not just at night, but during daylight hours as well! This Image below was the only actual photo taken during the Belgium incident in which the Military had direct contact by the Belgium Air Force! They had visual contact, Radar contact, as well as actual air to air encounters that consisted of high speed chases, and by being out maneuvered by a much superior craft of an unknown origin! Cont.below.
The Belgian UFO wave was a series of sightings of triangular UFOs in Belgium, which lasted from 29 November 1989 to April 1990. The Belgian UFO wave began in November 1989. The events of 29 November would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. This giant craft did not make a sound as it slowly moved across the landscape of Belgium. There was free sharing of information as the Belgian populace tracked this craft as it moved from the town of Liege to the border of the Netherlands and Germany.
The witness was eastbound along I-20 between Birmingham and Atlanta when the object was first seen about 10:56 p.m. on January 25, 2015.
“I saw a triangular-shaped object with four lights off to my left.” the witness stated. “I continued driving about 65 or 70 mph while I observed the craft. It seemed to be hovering or moving so slowly that I couldn’t tell.”
The object first caught the witnesses’ attention when it projected a light like a searchlight. You can read the rest of the story by clicking on the link above!
Here is another real recent case and one I am going to poke at some, so bare with me! You will have to check it out first to see what I'm saying!
Of course this being a newer story, and really an interesting shot, it just had to be put out there! Pretty amazing as to how far away the image really is! She had that zoomed to full tilt!
Truly amazing she had even noticed it! But then again I wasn't there, so maybe it stuck out like a sore thumb! Especially with all of the illumanecence it seemed to be distributing! Hate to pay the power bill for that space craft!
Then again a drop of dark energy would power the world for a million years! So what's a few light bulbs to the intelligent!
Think if they were so smart they wouldn't need light bulbs? Or at least bright white lights we all can't help but notice! Hell even our military is smart enough to read by red light at night! A red light is hard to see from a distance in the darkness. Or at least for the human eye!
We've been using that tech for 50 plus years! Seems as though they would have some covert night vision type of gear?
I know that's probably some far off science fiction talk! But I believe In our time of existence, we just might have some form of night vision technology to allow us to see in the dark! Call me crazy! Who knows maybe they just think we're so stupid it doesn't matter if they leave the high beams on or not!
Maybe they have navigation lights like us? But a whole lot more!
Granted they might come in handy for seeing when on the ground! But a mile up in the sky? What's to see up there?
Ok it looks cool, and sticks out like a sore thumb! Sounds like something our Government would come up with to make everyone out their cry UFO's!!!
Give's them a reason to test all their other high tech gear that we know nothing about! And you know we have something! Just can't have BILLIONS of dollars in a the black book budget go to nothing! Right?
The reason for me adding this story is the fact of it being another triangle shaped object!
For several years now I have been hearing, and seeing witness accounts of these triangle shaped vehicles, or crafts of sorts cruising our earthly realm! And mind you not just at night, but during daylight hours as well! This Image below was the only actual photo taken during the Belgium incident in which the Military had direct contact by the Belgium Air Force! They had visual contact, Radar contact, as well as actual air to air encounters that consisted of high speed chases, and by being out maneuvered by a much superior craft of an unknown origin! Cont.below. · Text under CC-BY-SA license
Continuation On top of that these crafts have been witnessed by people of all walks, and caliber of life, From police, civil servants, and even the military of certain Governments that don't have a problem with talking aloud of the strange objects that seem to be flying all over our apparently friendly skies!
There used to be a time when our Gov't took it very serious having unknown objects just pleasure cruising around our imaginary boundary lines! Not so much anymore since we've deemed these crafts a non threat by our National Security Agency!
This image was created by me for informative purposes only! All I did was download an app and presto! So please BEWARE! But by all means please trust me there are some very legitimate images, as well as very legit first hand accounts by high on the food chain types of people!
There have been thousands of documented cases! " Mutual UFO Network!" handles a very large case load of these reports, in which they catalog these events!
So if one so chose to, and desired, and felt compelled to drop by their sight to scope the story out? One could do so by connecting to this link!
If anyone may have noticed this is the second time I have placed their link in this blog! Go figure? Must be a reason why!
Back to the triangle phenomena, and my theories on why, and what the reasoning for them being this shape!
This triangle shaped craft are far from being any kind of new concept in the way of eye witness sightings! And I mean a lot longer then the saucer shaped gizmo's!
They have been reported back too the days when people were still throwing rocks at one and other! It seems to me the design is and has been a popular one with our own military as well if no one has noticed?
They have been trying to perfect this shape for eons now! The B-2 Stealth bomber is just an example of something I'm sure we have a grander scale of somewhere hiding in the shadows! Probably right under our noises and this is what a lot of people are actually witnessing!
The big problem is the size of this that people witness! One would have to assume because of the size it was meant for a couple of different things!
1. It was meant for long distance travel hence fourth the size, for a big pay load of whatever it may run for fuel, or energy! Plus supplies, and or space to hold things it's collecting from places it visits!
2. It may be this size due to the engine it is running! Or reactor, Or something so far out of our league we couldn't even comprehend!
Just imagine if it is jumping either around our Universe, Or multiverse jumping! Imagine what type of non combustion motor that thing would be running! Wouldn't be no Hemi!
The shape or design is perfect for cruising in any conditions! Especially space though! The shape is made for it.
Of course we already know this! Of course there are the other type shapes that are just as equally correct for certain types of travel, Such as the cigar shape.
The saucer shape has been one that we all recognize as the typical UFO though! It is actually a great shape as well! Depending on how it is being run it is perfect for all types of crazy maneuvers that we could only dream of! Well wait a minute!
Now I just said that did you know we have a fighter jet that is hands down the ultimate flying machine? It can perform things that still boggles my mind! Stop on a dime and turn! Kinda funny how this type craft has been made!
I have seen this thing do things that are just unimaginable! Of course the pilot needs to wear this space age high tech suit in order stay alive because of the incredible forces it pulls.
The big thing is we have this technology! So what else do we have? Some things do not surprise me, while others leave me wondering? Could we? It is possible? We have done some incredible things!
This will some day come to light, but until then we will still be scratching our heads.
Keep watching the sky though! Because if you see anything a mile in size I can pretty much guarantee it ain't ours!
But use caution as I do feel that certain Gov'ts have motives to doop us all in wanting us to see and believe things! Why? I have my theories ,and if one really thought about it, Well it just might come together!
Here are just a few more images that have been collected! All in the eye of the beholder What do you see? Happy hunting!