http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: The Universe! My Idea!

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Universe! My Idea!

My Universe! My Idea!
When I gaze into the night time sky, and see what is in this spectacular image of the Milky Way galaxy above, It sets my heart, and mind on fire!
 This is my Universe in which I live in! Though only a small portion of it, nonetheless it's mine!
  I started writing these blogs not to long ago! I had no idea what to do, or how to do it! I am by no means a writer of any kind, nor am I all that great at being very correct with my literacy skills, But I try!
 As I have stated in some prior blogs everything in our world had started from an idea! Everything ever created, Built, Painted, Written, and even destroyed! All from an idea!
  As I stated with being correct with literacy, I was nervous to begin, and had no idea what blogs were even about? But I thought of all the people with certain handicaps, and still made it somewhere, Like Einstein as an example! Failed math! Worked out pretty good for him in the long run! So just maybe, I have a chance! Or so I thought!
  I am very passionate about several things, but mostly the Paranormal end of the spectrum! Although Space is my one and only true love!
  I look at images and lose myself to fantasy! I go outside on a clear night, jump in my boat, head out to the middle of nowhere! I just lay back and stare at the clear night sky, I cannot even begin to tell you what happens! So many ideas race through my head! I feel at times as though I just may have all the answers to what it's all about! The answers to the Universe! All from an idea!
  I find myself debating what is what? and the how comes as well? Sometimes, For all of a sudden, I completely understand everything to do with physics, And know why everything is the way it all is!

  Why the Universe works the way she does! Why all the matter in the Universe works in a simian nature of sorts!
  My idea is that it is all connected! Everything is working together just as a machine that has it's purpose! With all the cogs, and gears, and spinning gizmos! There is a purpose! and there is more in store, whether it's what we want, or hope is not for us to decide! It will happen despite Humans will, or involvement!
  First off you have to understand I'm no scholar by any means, nor do I try to make myself out to be one! I'm far from ignorant, but at times I can struggle with what I really want to say, Or better yet word it the way it probably should be! But like the rest of all the smartest people out there in the world, they all had an idea! An idea that might change the world! Change it for the better? Or maybe not!
 Create something that will do something that has actual meaning for all man kind? Or maybe their idea was something that would bring humanity to the brink of disaster! But it was an idea, and started somewhere!
  Flying to outer space was an idea! And a pretty crazy one at that! After all, although when we gaze into the beautiful night sky, Or see all those amazing images from the big telescopes, my God who wouldn't want to go?
  Well wait a minute! Space! The most hostile environment anyone could possibly imagine! The first step out the front door could be certain death if not properly prepared! Hostile! Space is a vile, unforgiving, Freezing, Airless death trap for us puny Humans!
  But we have managed all from an idea! Although be it several different, and many ideas! They all came together and humans have started the process of the idea to traverse through space!
Look at the possibility of the dimensional theory! Yup that's right an idea! An idea that I guarantee is going to pay off! I know because I to have some ideas! Ideas on why it will happen! We will find there are several dimensions, and our Universe is just one of many! It has always been my idea! Way before they ever started showing us, and talking about the possibilities they think of now!
  I had these ideas 30 plus years ago that this is how it all is, and will be! I had an idea that the Universe was so huge we would never be able to roam around the whole of it! Not by any easy means at least! So this is when my ideas of dimensions started running through my head!

  When I stare into space I think of all the grand splendor of all that has been created! It has to be there for a reason! It just can't be there because this is what has happened! That makes no logical sense!
  When people ask, and wonder if there is life out there in our Universe, Well all I can say is in my Universe there is life everywhere I see! 
  I see the Sun, a massive nuclear reactor exploding with a life so massive nothing compares! I see Jupiter with it's massive weather system swirling around, and then the giant red spot, a storm so massive spinning with life like a monster ready to devour everything In it's path! 
  Can you not see all the life out there? The creation of it all? The living breathing planets, and stars! All alive with their own types of atmospheres and storms! Even their own internal power plants like a heart just spinning, and breathing, some gasping for air because the atmosphere is so volatile, but nonetheless alive just trying to survive all the wicked elements that are trying so hard to destroy them!
 Yet they keep on, keeping on! Spinning breathing, and alive with the will to survive, despite all that's working against it all!
  This is my Universe! It's teaming with life! The beauty, the wicked, the black holes that swallow life just like a lion devouring it's next victim! Whole stars and there living reactors being eating alive and ripped from their shell! Until finally even the soul of the Star will succumb to the lions pride!

  My Ideas, My Universe! Is it so far off track? When you see this image can you not see a living breathing piece of something greater then yourself?
  Teaming with life, and death! How can you have the death of a star if it was never really alive? Make sense now?
  Of course our whole Universe is one massive living, breathing organism just trying to excel further into the vast unknown, doing so just to survive, and stay alive! Grasping, pushing, faster and faster trying to excel like a vine on a wall clinging for life! Just trying to excel further, and further into the vast unknown!

  Are we so arrogant that we discount the creation of all this life we see being created in our Universe? So we don't classify it as life because it has no eyes, or ears? Maybe because it doesn't resemble the life we want it to resemble therefore it's not life!

  We need to see intelligent life like us! Not the massive birth of a whole solar systems! If this is the case we should stop referring to the death of things such as stars, solar systems, and planets! How could they die if they were never classified as alive! And don't give me that figure of speech thing!

  Before any organisms started on this planet we call Earth it was very much alive! Alive with all of the geological factors this planet needed to create what it is to this day! The Earth finally filled her lungs with oxygen, which in turn created more forms of life! then even more complex forms of life followed, and so on!

 This is the idea of what people want to see! It's the idea of complex forms of life being somewhere in our Universe!
  Well take my word for it, There is life everywhere! This is my idea, in my Universe!
  If those out there are to blind to see the grand idea of our involvement they are the one's that will be truly lost and alone when things they once thought not possible come to light!
 The time will come, and I truly have an idea it will! Though I know not when, but at least I will be prepared, and not as shocked as those that thought the world still flat, and everything in it's proper place! These are the people that have no idea!
 No idea of their existence, no idea of why they are here, No idea or cares except planning their next vacation! These people will be the one's looking for those with an idea on what to do?

  It truly is amazing how much power is behind an idea! I think it's something that hopefully will become contagious, because I know of a few people, and Countries  that could use an idea, or two! Or at least that's an idea of mine!