Well we're in the middle of March, Spring is right around the corner, and for this I am grateful to say the least!
It has been a long, hard, cold winter for all, and especially here in the Northeast! You know when you hear it's going to be in the 40's and you get exited, that yes, it was rough!
Being a paranormal group one would assume we would stick to subjects of the paranormal, well we don't always, and at times we stray, but not usually to far from our point.
Being the founder of this society has it's perks, and one is just doing whatever I feel like at the time!
The one thing I enjoy, as well as follow with a great passion, is anything to do with our Universe! Even physics has a seat at this table of mine!
Our universe has a role to play with the paranormal, I mean really where do all the ufo's come from? OK maybe they come from another universe, but their in ours now!
The other big thing is when news comes out about findings, such as water on various moons, or planet's.
With water comes the possibility of life! This would be extraterrestrial life to us! So yes, I follow!
Anyway I post a lot of things during the winter months that deal with new discoveries, as well as any interesting news statements!
Things that we do usually on our ghost hunting side of the paranormal slow down this time of year, and it gives us a chance to jump into some other things, so this is one of the reasons I post a lot of other various things as well!
The big thing with this though is lately there has been a lot of news recently about our solar system!
I mean like everyday there has been some sort of story coming out of things such as the discovery, or more like the actual proof they needed to know for sure that it is there! Oceans, saltwater oceans! On moons orbiting other planets in our solar system!
The Asteroid "Vesta" Taken by the Dawn spacecraft
The dwarf planet "Ceres" taken by the Dawn spacecraft
Another big story is the one of a dwarf planet called "Ceres!" In which a satellite we had sent to has just arrived there!
This is really exciting big news! Really most people out there hadn't even known of this dwarf planet that lies between Mars, and Jupiter!
The space craft dubbed "Dawn" has taken 7.5 years getting to this small world, and has been on a 2 part mission.
The first was a stop by, and a little peak at an asteroid called "Vesta!" Which is really a pretty big object at 525km in radius! And Ceres at 950km across.
Then on to it's final destination which is a 14 month study of Ceres!
(Both Vesta and Ceres are the largest objects that lay in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter!)
After it's 14 month study the Dawn space craft will run out of it's fuel "Hydrazine!" After it will go silent forever, being a satellite of the dwarf planet Ceres till the end of time!
The main object of it's studies of these two worlds were, and are to hopefully gain a better insight into the beginning of our solar system!
The how's, and why's are the big goals as well has there possibly being an ocean on the small world Ceres!
Water equals the potential for life! though doubtful there is any here, but this is not the only place with water in our solar system besides Earth, we have discovered recently definitively!
The study of the moons around other planets have become the target, and a hot target they are!
Most people never take the time, or have much curiosity into knowing much about our solar system, so it's usually a surprise to most when you tell people how many moons are in our solar system.
Saturn and Jupiter being the largest planets in our solar system, of course have the most moons!
Jupiter being the leader by just a few at 67 confirmed moons! and then Saturn at 62! Yes that's a lot of moons! although it sounds like a lot some of them a pretty small at 1km, but then some are pretty big, like Saturn's "Titan" which is bigger then the planet "Mercury". Although Titan is bigger then Mercury it is actually the second largest moon in our solar system!
The moon Ganymede on Jupiter reigns size champion of the moons in our solar system!
Image of the moon "Enceladus" at Saturn!
There have been several speculations over the years to some of these moons possibly having water on the surface, but below several miles of ice.
One of the moons of Saturn "Enceladus" has been confirmed with having a warm water ocean at it's pole under 30 or 40 miles of ice!
Though Enceladus may be small at 310 miles in diameter, compared to our own moon, which is over 2000 in diameter! Enceladus may show some big news at some point in the future!
The image below with the blue color is showing the "Aurora" that happens on the moon due to the magnetic field, and the saltwater ocean under the ice!
The other moon with news of a saltwater ocean is of Jupiter's "Ganymede!" Though a little more ice is involved then on Enceladus, with around a mere 200 miles worth to get through!
The really neat thing with the moon Ganymede is the Aurora it produces, and this is one of the signs of it having an ocean, as well as the lack of wobble effect with Jupiter's huge magnetic field!
Another fun thing would be standing on Ganymede and looking up at the aurora instead of being green, as on Earth, you would be looking at red, with a huge planet (Jupiter) in the background!
As well as other moons possibly in view! How odd would that look? I would love to be able to stand on it personally, and see for myself!
Again the point is water equals life! Extraterrestrial life! Though in both case's it would be as an organism, or micro organism more than likely! But who knows maybe under that ice something else could be slithering along in the muck!
The Universe is truly a fascinating place, and most that see it as I do can get lost at looking at all the spectacular images that have been produced by all the newer telescopes!
When one takes a few minutes and actually starts looking into it, I
think they would find my thoughts agreeable! But the other bit of fascination with it, is the fact we ask ourselves if we are alone?
How could one look at even one image of another whole galaxy, Just One! And even contemplate this thought? Then look at the facts that there are over one hundred billion galaxies out there! Yes that's over 100,000,000,000+ galaxies!
This is another reason why I get excited when looking into the studies of our universe! The only thing that I wonder is how, and why would any life out there find us, know of us already, or even want to in the first place?
It's never a matter of "if" with me, because I know there is life out there!
Whether or not it is here, or has been coming here all along is another story, and I believe with all the evidence out there, that I am satisfied with saying, without a doubt that we have been visited!
After all it sure does seem like with all the amount of space out there, and the size of our little bit of it, that the rest out there sure would be an awful lot of wasted space!
The possibility of aliens, or even something that looks like us, which would still be an alien, but something easier to swallow!
Anyway it's something we all think of, and some know it will all eventually be known to the world that there is, and has been visitations!
I at times wish it would all come out to all this being true! But for reason's of my own.
I like everyone else want to know that there is! Just to know for certain that life is everywhere in our universe! Mostly though I would like it so we would possibly gain the technology needed to travel vast distances shortly!
If we had that my dreams and fantasies would finally be fulfilled! As a kid I always thought we would be further than we are with any kind of actual space program. I imagined we would of at least been doing something on the moon by now, but with the U.S. and spending trillions of dollars on the defense budget it leaves very little to further ourselves with knowledge instead we are busy learning better ways of destroying!
Hopefully some will read this and start taking an interest, or at the very least maybe browse through some images of our known universe that are out there, and be just as awe struck as myself!
Maybe or maybe not, but at the very least the next time you look into the night sky just imagine a great majority of the bright lights you are looking at, are actually whole galaxies! With billions of planets, and stars of their own!
Then imagine there is someone standing in that same galaxy that your looking at, looking back at this galaxy wondering if there is life out there! Now that would be something!
This image I added is that of the 2 moons of "Mars", "Phobos" and "Deimos!" This is in real time speed taken by the rover "Curiosity" we have on mars!