http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: The Universe in an Atom?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Universe in an Atom?

The Universe in an Atom? 

                               My concept of how the Universe is connected with all the others!

 I have always thought of the Universe as an atom! I think there are a vast amount of other atoms with a Universe in everyone!
  This I suppose would be where the dimensional theory would come in, Or at least how I have heard them described somewhat. The main thing is, I do believe we can get to them!
 I don't know if anyone else has thought about this, but all of these people that have had an encounter with aliens have always described a common look and feature!
  (Granted there have been various descriptions and looks), but there has also "been a lot" of the same mutual descriptions detailing all the same features!
  So to me I can't help but think with the way all of these alien's look in appearance, that they are from another dimension possibly?
  So that would explain lot's of things, Like not having to travel millions of miles through the Universe to find us, but rather jump through a dimensional door where they are closer by.
  It would also explain their appearance! I'm not sure why, but to me, I just see these images of all these various aliens as being more dimension looking to me for some unknown reason???
  The one thing I do know is in order to make a Theory it needs to start from a Hypothesis! The only way to grip on to the one mentioned is by checking out an alien. Might you happen to know where we can find one? Sure! Nobody is going to let that cat out of the bag anytime soon!
                                  Image of particles being smashed at LHC

  But it's kind of funny how all these big player scientists are trying to crack an egg and make an omelette with the Large Hadron Collider! By that I mean they are feverishly trying to figure out a way of dimensional travel with the device!
  I had touched base on that earlier in another blog, but by understanding the Big Bang they believe that will open the doors to unlocking dimensional travel! Or at least the possibility of different dimensions.
  As I said it's Kind of funny, well what makes them so sure this stuff is possible?
                                         -Large Hadron Collider-
                                             And yes it's LARGE!

  I don't believe that they just had a theory! and everyone was happy to contribute all this money to build a multi-billion dollar machine on a theory! The U.S. contributed a half a billion dollars ourselves!
  Considering it was somewhere around 10 billion dollars with final cost's after some delays and disasters.                                                                                                         
  Seems to me they would have a little idea about whether or not it's all Sci-Fi! Or just maybe they have already had some prior insight into the whole notion!
 We're investing more stock into this then we are in any type of space program! Heck the U.S. doesn't even mess around with manned missions anymore! We just go through the private sector now!
   Sure we might flip the tab for certain things, But it seems to me if the U.S. wanted to pioneer the way to new worlds we would want a ship to do it in! And I don't mean by a joint effort I mean like the U.S. wanting to lay claim to real estate like Mars, or the moon Europa!
 So as I said it's kind of funny that dimensional stuff was all sci-fi years ago, but since Roswell, and other crashes like Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. it's giving enough insight to where these vessel's come from! and what needs to be done to get them from point A. to point B.
 These are not the only incidents they have to work with because there certainly have been more, but these we have eye witness accounts which holds salt!
  I'm not, or at least not much into conspiracies! though there are those certain few that are just so obvious that you can't help but be mad at people.
  I mean really WTF? The only thing I can think why, is because of National Security! They are hiding this technology because they want to use it as a weapon! Or they don't want someone else to be the first to be able to! Now this makes the most sense to me!
  Think of the importance of the find! Now would you want other certain people, or Countries to have a technology like we probably have? This could be a very real scary scenario! So maybe there might be some reasonable sense to the tactics after all!
  I suppose the majority of people have never looked at it quite that way! Heck I never really thought about the possible uses someone could do to wield this technology as a weapon of sorts!
  I mean really this technology would be the most destructive weapon in anyone's arsenal!
  I don't quite understand if anyone has taken the time to think of the results, and repercussions of dimension jumping! "if ever possible that is?"
  I mean really who knows what the possible outcome could really be? Where would we end up? What would we, and could we possibly open up? And for that matter possibly bring back!
  possibly some kind of disease that has wiped out everything in it's own realm. How about possibly showing another realm, that isn't so nice the way here to us!
  Of course these are all factors we hope all involved with these studies, have thought through! 
  I'm sure they have because of the fact that there is very little difference, in us looking, and traversing through our own Universe!
  Reality check!- We could someday venture to Mars, or even a manned mission to some Asteroid flying by, and pick up some alien organism, or bacteria that us Humans have no resistance to! 
 These are all unfortunate chances, we as humans, are going to have to take. Especially if we ever want to survive as a species!
  If we sit in our shell like an Acorn that has fallen from it's tree, We will never grow, and branch, sprout fourth through the vast possibilities of our existence!
  We need to start taking these chance's! We need to start engineering a way to get to other worlds for our own survival as a species! If we don't these could be the end of days for humans, and I don't mean like thousands of years from now! I mean like mere hundreds if we're lucky!
 We will deplete this planets  natural resources in no time at all, and that isn't even a debatable question, because IT WILL HAPPEN! 
  The bigger question is when will an epic natural disaster happen from humans destroying our environment, climate, natural resources, etc. you name it! Which will happen first? Truly does it matter? It will all be devastating no matter how you cut it!
  So the fate depends on us humans investing in exploration because we sure haven't all come to a mutual agreement on how not to keep destroying our world! 
  The Chinese have reached their peak of industry as the U.S did back in the early 1900's. We had to run all our industry at peak standards for almost 70 years to come to the conclusion we were polluting the hell out of our planet!
  The Chinese are just at the stage of full throttle, and haven't quite grasped the concept of what kind of destruction they are doing. Or maybe they know but just don't care! A perfect example was during the Beijing Olympics. The Chinese Gov't made it mandatory to have their factories shut down during all the outdoor activities because the pollution was so terrible nobody would of been able to perform. Well guess what even with business's shut down one day the air was so thick with smog the athlete's couldn't perform! 
A few pics of Beijing and pollution!
                                                                    no this isn't fog!
                                                       Looks like great air to run in!
  If you look at California and their smog problem, the most of that is primarily from all the vehicle's running, so we still haven't got control to well either! But we have done a lot in the Industry area, but I fear it's to late and the damage is already in motion! Now with China, and no sign soon of them letting up, or trying to fix the issue's, we are in for trouble! Of course the pollution problems are just a small example of the destructive things we are doing to the planet, But the list is to long for this blog!
Images of smog in California
                                                    A barely visible City L.A. California
                                               That's smog! Not a fog bank, Or a cloud....
    I think of all these movies where the alien's come to Earth to take our natural resources, or they come here because their planet cannot sustain life anymore because they did what we're doing to Earth.
  Who's the real alien? What would are intentions be, and why would we be looking for another planet? Yup that's right us! for all those exact reasons, To get the natural resources, and because we destroyed our old planet!
  Maybe aliens out there in the far off have been hiding from us! Maybe they know all about us, and want nothing to do with us! because they have seen what we can do! and what we are capable of.
  Is that so far fetched? Isn't that what some of our leading scientist say? Not to broadcast who we are, Where we are, and don't send out greeting messages into space at all! So it's best to stay undetected, so nothing can zero in on all our goodies.
  We are always saying a more superior intelligent alien species are the one's that are more than likely going to find us.
  If they are looking for a planet because they have destroyed theirs, well how superior is that? About the same as us, and ours!
  We are always bragging of how we are the smartest monkeys in our jungle! Just because we have opposable thumbs, and can build a machine to travel trough the Cosmos, doesn't mean we should! If, and when we build that ship, I hope someone put's a warning sign on it saying "children on board!" Because we are very much in our infancy!
  Back to the main issue of this blog! If there really was one? Anyway just a little more food for thought about traversing around the Universe. Wouldn't you think if there are ships out there cruising around, and some just happen by this way; which they seem to be because there seen by people all the time!
Wouldn't you think we would be able to pick up some kind of signal they are making? I mean for communication purposes like between other ships, or maybe back to home base, and vice versa?
  SETI is listening all the time for stuff. Not to mention a lot of other people that seem to have lot's of time on their hands.
 Or do you suppose this dimensional theory is sounding maybe a little better now you've read this blog? Just saying, it almost makes some kind of sense! Well unless the aliens are speaking telepathically? and have the capacity to do so across the billions of mile's from home. Someday we'll have the answers! until then all we have are theories! I suppose the only way of knowing is by jumping in and swimming!
                 you can do a part in helping in the search for life! And it's kind of cool!
This is another thing like SETI at HOME! This one you can help with mapping the Milky Way!

             You wanna take your, car or mine? ( : Until the next time! keep on, keepin on!