"The Ouija Board Experiment!"
After all it's just a game! Right? Sure!
We just wanted to talk a little on the use of Ouija boards! The big question do you believe that a Ouija board really works?
The next question have you ever attempted to use a Ouija board?
and if so would you share your experience with us, or anybody?
I ask that because some people after using a Ouija board, have found out that something can actually happen! Don't care discussing their experience!
I am the Director of the Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!
I have had more personal experiences than anybody would care to imagine! But the one thing I do not use, Or suggest anybody use, Is a Ouija board!
Some might find this foolish, or maybe some think it's just game what could it possible do?
Even though I, and we. do not engage in the practice of utilizing these boards, It doesn't mean I never have! In which I have used one, but only once in my entire life!
For those that may have read any of my personal Bio at our web page would be aware of the fact of the reasons that had laid the road for my career into the Paranormal field!
For those that haven't read it! the short of it is, as a young person for around ten years I was very affected by the Paranormal! There it is!
So at one point when I was a teenager my best friend had showed up at the house with a Ouija board in tow, He had always hated my home because he always felt uncomfortable like something was off somehow. In which he couldn't have been more right with his intuitions!
Anyway the whole reason for that Ouija board was he had specifically bought it to use in my bedroom! The thing to take note here is I had never discussed to him anything of the problems I dealt with from issues with the Paranormal activity because I didn't want him thinking of me as nuts!
Though I do wish he would have discussed with me over the years he had these feelings and then I would of shared with him my experiences!
This was a very vintage one especially with the certain images in the corners!
We opened the box and read the directions and proceeded to engage, the Ouija board! We had everything set up, and had our fingertips just barely hovering above the Planchette! We began asking questions like, "is there anybody here with us?" And sure as the day is light the Planchette starts moving to YES!
When it started moving my friend started yelling at me! Asking if I was moving it? Which I wasn't! and thought it must of been him!
So we continue our questions asking if it can tell us it's name? Again the planchette starts going to the letters on the board spelling a name! At this point My friend is freaking out! I am just jaw dropped in amazement! But I was still somewhat nervous, or scared!
My friend was still in his yelling mode as I was pleading it wasn't me, I swear! The weird thing is, the Planchette was picking up speed! My friend, I believe was getting overly nervous! In truth I almost was somewhat excited to actually find out who had been torturing me for all those years! But before the whole name could be spelled out, my friend had grabbed the board and threw it up in the air, and stormed out of my room leaving the board behind saying he wanted nothing to do with it anymore!
A few odd things to the rest of the story was, after this this whole thing, our friendship since childhood started fading, to the point we stopped doing anything together, and eventually even stopped talking!
Which it truly affected me, as those were things I had always feared if people knew! To this day I stew over that happening over 30 years later!
The one thing I was getting from the board was It was leaning towards a females name, I believe if my memory is right! But that is neither here, nor there anymore! We had moved from that particular house the following year after sixteen years of living there, Which honestly was the biggest weight ever taking off of my shoulders! So I will leave the rest of the story out as this is about the Ouija board and how it had worked for us!
Various types of Ouija Boards!

These are just a few of the reasons why! There of course are the negative parts involved, as well as the possibility of releasing things better left where their at! The list goes on!
Even despite all we, and anyone else will say, there is always going to be those to want and risk it! Or those that use them for there little communicating to the dead stories! The list goes on there as well!
The only thing I can say with any proof, and all my honesty,, is that they can, and do work! Although my belief is it takes a special person for it to do it's thing! Say one of a sensitive type, or some kind of special abilities! And I'll leave that, at that as well!
So if you still have that burning desire to partake in a Ouija board event please check out the info below! It may, or may not work? I have never put it to the test, but there are those that say it does! Then again they might be the people that never really had that special need talent to actually make one work! So you may be that person to unlock the boards potential!
If so we're only a click away! Be safe!
Gary. C Director/Founder Societyofparanormalresearchmaine.com
This board is from the 1920's, though not one of the first one's made it was built with wood, and was and still is very popular! The first were hand made until the original maker sold the rights and this is when they were changed! Very pricey as it's vintage!
We here at the Society of Paranormal Research do not engage in the practice of using Ouija boards for any circumstances!
But we have acquired a technique that is supposed be used when engaging in the use of one! If you do choose to use one we recommend trying this technique but, strongly advise everyone to never take the chance!
So anyway here is the directions if you are ever compelled to give one a whirl! Good luck!
5 Steps on How to Use the Ouija Board Safely:
1.) Be prepared to use the board. Do not use the board alone. Get some friends to use the board with you. to protect yourself, Get sage, sage incense with an earthly smell to it. Light the incense.
2.) Spread the incense smoke around the board. this should make you be prepared for your session
3.) Say an Affirmation. Once you are ready to start a session, say a prayer so that you can communicate with a good spirit. Here is the prayer for you:
"I CALL UPON THE ANGELS FROM THE LIGHT, CALL UPON MY SPIRIT GUIDES, GUARDIAN ANGELS FROM THE LIGHT TO COME HELP ME CLEANS THE BOARD. PLEASE REMOVE NEGATIVITY FROM THIS BOARD AND SURROUND IT WITH HEAVENLY LIGHT!" Keep repeating it until you feel a light, and positive energy from the board. Then when you hear a spirit say hello, say a prayer so you can have a good spirit to talk to you.
4.) Begin your session When you begin your session, no laughing or talking. Be quiet and ask positive questions, Do not ask questions that makes the spirits angry such as, "are you sexy?" Ask the spirits a positive question. some times the planchette moves slowly. If the planchette moves slowly, Be patient! REMEMBER, This is a spirit you are talking to! Not a person. You may be impatient with a person but you must be patient with a spirit.
5.) End your session properly. When you are done talking to a spirit, say goodbye to it. After you say goodbye, say, "WE ARE SENDING THE SPIRITS BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM AND WE ARE CLOSING THE DOOR." This shows that you are closing the doorway for the spirits. When you end your session, wrap the board with white cloth and put it somewhere such as your drawer.
We do not make any guarantees that this method will in any way increase your chances, decrease your chances, harm, hurt, or save you from any wrong doings by the physical world, or the supernatural realm! You are completely taking 100% risk whenever engaging in the use of a Ouija board, and again we STRONGLY advise to not engage in the use of one! I have attempted to use one once in my life and yes it did work! And no I never will again and it was not because of any negative affects, but they can and do cause things that most people are unprepared to take on! Thanks and all the best!
Gary C. Director of the Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!