http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

              "Paranormal Multiple Personality Disorder"          
 We have recently been doing several investigations at a location that has been a goldmine in the E.V.P. (Electronic Voice Phenomena) area.
  As a matter of fact, at this one location we have gathered more EVP's then any ten investigations put together!
  Without a doubt an incredible amount of valuable data was gathered from this location! As I had stated we have been to this location several times now; Three total! And every time there we have gathered a phenomenal amount of EVP's which have ranged from very intelligent, to off the wall bizarre! But even the bizarre one's had been performed with an intelligence behind it, as if it were just having fun and kidding around!

  When we gather all our EVP's together we go back and fourth through them with over, and above the normal standards of scrutinizing!
  As the director of this organization I have a duty to the clients and to this group! All else comes second, and this means to the general public when we place any material on our social pages! I have a strict code of what we release, and most places wouldn't agree with me on this, but I'm not in this for any ratings, or popularity contest! I'm in it for the understanding and proof!  
  I started this group to help those that were being affected by things that were beyond their understanding. The paranormal realm  isn't something most feel comfortable with being possible, But it is! My goals were, and still are to aid, and educate those in all areas of the paranormal!
  So back to the results of this location: On all of our verifiable EVP's we had gone over, and over before finalizing, and after the first round we knew we had a challenge ahead of us to say the least!
  I say this because of the reason's for our clients engaging our services in the first place.
  We had been contacted by another paranormal investigation group that had gotten in a little over their wants and capabilities, so they had contacted us for some assistance.
  This other group had been contacted by the owner of this location and was complaining of a few things that were going on, but one in particular that was very concerning to the home owner!

   According to the home owner people living in the house were physically being scratched and pushed by unseen forces!
  They had documented the scratch incidents by photo's. The concern with the home owner was his daughter was expecting a baby soon, and she was going to be living there with her new born!
  He was very nervous with worries of something possibly happening to the baby, so this is when he contacted the first paranormal group in which he was told of by his son who had heard of this group by some friends.
  So the group had arrived to perform an investigation, and it was really no more than just a couple of young girls hoping to capture some evidence of he paranormal for kicks, then any real professional research! All they showed up with was a couple of digital tape recorders and one camera which wasn't capable of night shot!

  So during the course of there little walk through and trying to replicate things they had learned from t.v. shows, one of the girls was doing a provoking method and in the process was attacked by an unseen force! in which ended the investigation because they got to nervous and shaken up to continue!
  They documented the marks that were left on her back with a photo. It was the same type of marks that are very common for this type of occurrence. The marks were as if someone had dug into the skin with long finger nails!
  We have seen these on several occasions, and have had personal group experiences with these exact types of markings.

  The following day this other group had contacted my organization and told us of the story behind the home owners current situation, as well as things that he may have ben involved in, in the past that may have lead to these current problems they are experiencing.
  They had asked, if this type of case is something we deal with? And if it was something we could help to resolve?

  After listening to the low down, I explained to the young lady, who we are, and what we do! I explained we are a full service research organization that deals with these type of cases, and are capable to help resolve issues as well!
  It was at this point I relayed my interest in taking on the case!
So I had her fax me all of the material they compiled! as well as all the photographs of the scratching's.
  As I had stated the scratching's were very common, but nonetheless still remarkable! As any type of physical contact from the spirit realm is always remarkable, and the hardest to believe if a skeptic! It is also a very hard thing to scientifically prove unless actually witnessed by someone with scientific authority from MiT or the likes! I say this because I have volumes of evidence, but I never attended Harvard, so nobody wants to take it for what it truly is, Remarkable!

   So after reviewing all the material I set up a meeting with the home owner in order to evaluate any possible physiological issues, and dig a little deeper into his supposed story!
  Apparently the home owner dabbled around in satanical no, no's back in the day! During the interview I had no doubts of his involvement into the area, as he was extremely knowledgeable, and held nothing back!
  Thankfully he laid all of his cards on the table! Which helps us in not having to do as much guessing work, and head scrtching when we find certain things while investigating!

  After doing all our interviewing, and other fact finding info of the home owner, and his property. I agreed to take the case and help to the best of our abilities!
 I explained what we do, and how we do things, to which he agreed! so we set a date for an investigation, and the rest is history still in the making!

  Our first night investigation, I planned carefully! according to all the things that happened, and the way it all happened.
  I only brought along two other investigators, and they were both female. The key thing with this, was the fact that everyone who had been physically scratched, had all been female!
  Age wasn't a sure factor? so as a trial thing I brought our youngest, and one of our older females, to use as bait so to speak!
in which proved very, very fruitful!

  As I stated we are a full service research organization in which we have a lot of helpful electronical gizmo's and gadget's that aid in our searching's!
  We had several static camera's placed throughout the home, as well has sound recorders placed in strategic locations.
 The static cameras all had sound available as well, and we all carried recorders at all times! "Which I do as a common practice at all times anyway!"
  I had placed specialty cameras in various locations with certain devices placed in front of them, like EMF (Electromagnetic Field) detectors, so we can see if there were any abnormal changes, or fluctuations at locations that are otherwise unknown without them!
  When these meters start picking up changes with say an electrical anomaly, it can be a good chance on occasions, that something of a paranormal nature may be present! So with placing the cameras in front of them it can help with our verification, and by recording the proof for evidence!

                                    The first is a K-2 meter and the second is a MEL meter

   We look for magnetic disturbances when paranormal activity is present. We have discovered this to be a proven method that works in verifying the presence of an intelligent energy!
  There are many types of these devices and we use several different types at any giving location.
  We also use other types of energy monitors that read spikes of electricity in the area such as static electricity, instead of magnetic disturbance! which they both work, and it all depends on the type of energy we are dealing with, and how it manifests!
   The theory being that a spirit uses energy, and even needs it, to build itself up! by either attempting to manifest as a light anomaly, a form, or just when it wants to perform a task like physically moving things, objects, and even reaching physically into our realm!
 One of the main reasons for the theory of spirits using electricity is because of the notable drain of battery power from any, and all devices being used during an investigation when an occurrence is taking place if a spirit is present! This happens on many, many occasions when at active locations!
  The other reason that validates this theory is the fact that things can start happening! like objects being moved, and actual sightings of forms of sorts, some being full body apparitions, or at times a mist like vapor! as well as audiable voices which can be heard without needing a recorder.

We sometimes use various devices that can pump electricity into the air EMF (Electromagnetic field) pumps, in hopes of a spirit utilizing the energy it needs to manifest! The pumps come in various shapes and sizes depending on the amount of electricity you want to emit. 
                                     this is a medium size EMF pump!
  At the home we were utilizing several different pieces of equipment such as the pumps, and some static electricity detectors in case something would cross it's path and set off the alarm!
  Which we never had any luck with that happening, But we did on several occasions have fluctuations with our EMF meters! We were getting readings of electrical anomalies in areas, mostly where we were preforming our evp's !. Which were more validating signs of possible activity!
  We had no strong signs of activity like everyone had claimed that was happening! So after several hours of our investigation I decided to perform some EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) sessions in this one small entertainment room, which I honestly didn't think anything would pop up, but this would prove me wrong!
  We set up for our EVP session and it was going to be myself, as well as our younger female investigator for the first round!
 We brought in some newer devices to try out as well! Here is the list!
   We had the spirit box along with two digital voice recorders, and a hand held spectrum camera, as well as there being a static night vision camera in the room already.
  We also had a small EMF pump, and four different types of static, and magnetic current detectors as well as our K-2 meter.
                                       EM (Electromagnetic) Meter

EM (Electromagnetic Meter!) This device is very precise in measuring variations in natural electromagnetic fields (atmospheric electricity, etc.) 
  So needless to say we had the place very well covered! The Spirit box we were using was one that at the time was new to us, and we were trying it out! It was the SPB7 and since then this particular type has been upgraded to a SPB11.  We have liked working very much with both! Over the years we have tried various versions including some of our own rigged up radios, but these really have proven well!
            This is the newer SPB-11 Spirit Box                                       This is the SPB-7

  For those that don't know, a spirit box is pretty much just an AM/FM radio that sweeps through the channels, and you can control the speed on some, such as these types.
  through these is the theory a spirit can manipulate the words through the sweeping effect by picking out the words it comes across, As well it can utilize the white noise (static) and with the sweeping effect they can manipulate the sounds and build a word vocabulary!
  So it's actually providing two capable ways for a spirit to communicate!
 The word vocabulary manipulation theory is a newer idea, and there are actually special devices that have a preprogrammed dictionary in which spirits in theory, are capable of manipulating the device to perform a word by word speech dialect! This device is called the (ovilous) and there are several models and versions.
                                              Ovilus device- preprogrammed word device!

  There is one key thing to keep in mind with all these devices that are on the market nowadays! They aren't always the way to go! As well as understanding the whole facts of the matter, and what is really involved!
 Things use to be fairly cut and dry! Now it's turned high tech it seems! This is not always right, and these devices don't always perform correctly!
  What I'm saying is that someone is always going to try and make a buck, and to those that are young, or easily impressed by technology, well sometimes a tape recorder is the best piece of equipment in your arsenal!
  What we do here is trial and experimental runs, and at locations that are in theory, really haunted, this is a good place to put these devices to the test!
  We have scrutinized all devices we use, and we surly don't use all these devices at every location, because relying on them to tell you  whether or not a place is haunted is just highly impractical! When performing EVP sessions in the old days we only used tape recorders and patience! 

  At this particular location the best piece of equipment we had was digital audio recorders, and the spirit box was a big success as well, considering what we came up with for very intelligible proof!
  During the EVP sessions I couldn't believe the replies we were getting! I mean these were so far from being just chance it was scary!
  As an example: I introduced us saying ("My name is Gary and this is Casey! Can you tell us your name?") As plain as day we here through the box "Casey!" Like it was repeating me!
  The chances of that happening randomly were astronomical!
The other remarkable thing was, I introduced us a second time to see if it was just coincidental?  And for a second time it said "Casey!"
How is that for incredible?

  I have the EVP's to that on our YouTube sight for anyone who cares to doubt it, or for anyone to be surprised to it!
  During the session we had so many incredible things happen in the EVP area, it took us several weeks to go through, and pull all the audio out, and scrutinize over! We put it through our audio editing device and played every piece, over, and over, because we had found several other pieces of audio inside the white noise as well!
 One particularly eerie thing was the audio of the hand held full spectrum camera we had placed about six feet away from us!  It was aimed out into the room behind us. We had it up about five, or six feet off the ground. It was recording everything behind our room we were in.
  You can hear us in the background doing our EVP session, and all of a sudden you hear this low deep voice like it were growling the word HELLLLLLLL! It drags out a bit, and is real spooky sounding! But the thing was, it sounded like it was standing right over the camera! Just like it's mouth was right by the mic, if not on it!

  Now with that one particular sound, and the claims of the home owner things started coming together!
  They felt it was an evil presence, as well as the scratching incidents, and his claims of being involved in satanic ritual stuff! 
  That one sound is what made all the rest of the EVP's we captured sensible! Like the mimicking of names for instance!
  We had so many various EVP's it woulden't have made sense if we had not known a lot of the facts! We would have just thought it some kind of portal location! Where all sorts of spirits came to, for whatever reason? But because of the honesty, and our better understanding of the paranormal, we were able to put it all together!

   The other EVP's were everything from young to old! Female and male! inquisitive to scared, and some just bizarre! But with an intelligence meant behind it!
  In one EVP there was an instance when I asked, "Do you need help?" We had three replies for help from three different sounding voices, but all female! The first two were very obvious, but the third was very hard to hear, but it was there!
 The interesting thing though it wasn't coming from the voices on the spirit box. but rather in the white noise! When you hear these type of happenings they are very eerie sounding! Like it's just floating in this void of space! When you hear it, it is almost like you can't help but have this feeling of sadness, or desire to help in whatever way you can!
  I have always thought of these white noise sounds as something, or somebody, being trapped or lost in some dark space! I guess like a limbo type of state! This is just a feeling I get when I hear these types of EVP's in white noise!

  Now after saying those last statements! We need to go back to the part where I discussed the possible evil presence everyone felt is at this location!
  When dealing with things of an evil nature at times, they can be very deceiving! Sometimes child like, or a sad like tone that makes you feel bad for it!
  Sometimes they can mock your words, or copy whatever your saying like a parrot! Then at times when you push it to far you can provoke anger that is very unmistakable as being evil, or extremely bad and violent!
 So one should beware! and reasons like this case is why these people that are just in it for kicks, and wanting to capture some proof of a ghost, may end up with more then they bargained for! Such as the young girls that contacted us on this case!

  Then there are the possibilities that whatever may be haunting, or tormenting a location may have the capability to attach itself to an individual! Then next time someone is running around playing ghost hunter they end up visiting a shrink twice a week because they think there losing their mind!
  Believe me this happens! We have done several cases where once very normal people entertained the thought of checking out some paranormal hot spots, and ended up having some very negative adverse affects!
 So much to the point they had been placed on medication from receiving psychiatric care! Which is very strange, when an otherwise normal person! with no history of problems, ends up seeing, and hearing things that just by all rational means should not be happening! 
  All this happening just by chance, after they entered a location that was supposed to be active with paranormal activity, because they wanted to witness something for themselves!
  Just coincidence? And they just happened to have some mental break down? Or  just maybe the paranormal has latched ahold!

  So with this one location we have performed three investigations total! The first two were great with tons of EVP activity! But the third was like everything had packed up and just left!
  The other thing which I don't mention much, but I myself have always had this natural gift of sensing whether or not things of a paranormal nature may, or may not be present!
  No I don't sell myself as being any type of medium or sensitive! But the location for whatever reason had just changed! Like a fog that had finally dissipated! And honestly sometimes my gift can be a little screwy depending on the situation.
  This is another reason why I don't pawn the gift off as something I'm capable of! Sometimes things are hard to read when I'm dealing with stressful issues, or just personal fog!
 At a time in my life though it was a very overwhelming, and an uncontrollable thing! Instead of ever getting hold of it, or having anybody help, or show me ways of handling it! I was treated horribly! So it was a gift that just never evolved into something more than what it could be! Honestly though, that's fine with me!

  Though it was funny because the home owner had asked me, if by chance we might of brought home anything after our last visit? Which I already knew the answer to, because this is always something we take precaution to! and was no we hadn't

   What happened to the location? I can't really say! Maybe somebody had stopped in one day, and left with something extra! 
  For whatever reason the home owner was happy! Though to myself it was kind of concerning!
  I don't like when activity disappears like that! Mainly because of what we were dealing with! And it wasn't any good! 
  So if it did indeed attach itself to another person I fear the possibilities!

  Like I had said the one thing I knew for sure was it had a fondness towards younger females, without any doubts!
  What was the true nature of what we were dealing with? It was a very malicious entity! But whether or not it was truly demonic, we and I, couldn't ever really identify with 100% certainty!
  If I were to take a stab in the dark, I would say yes it was demonic! Just because of the characteristics it displayed with answering questions! Plus it's multiple personality's that it kept switching in and out of! Just like a loop, it just kept going around, and round switching! But always saying, or having the same request, but using the same character when cycling through them!
  It would constantly bounce around between identities, like it was trying to bait us, or have us feel sorry by taking pity on it!
  I have had previous experiences with entities almost like this one, Though by far this one has helped us understand multitudes of information on the true capabilities these types of entities can wield, especially when trying to deceive and manipulate!

  In all of my personal career there have been several occasions I have felt an overwhelming compassion for various entities.
 Some I know were of an evil nature trying to get me, and us into it's grasp where if I, and we were not who we are, could have possibly falling for the bait! Luckily this has never happened, nor would I want to even imagine the what if's?
  I have seen the devastating outcome these things can do to people, and I always find myself asking the same question! How can this be?
  To this have no answers! I am not highly religious, though I am very spiritual! I believe my energy will continue to go on, but I believe our energies just head back into the cosmos from where we are all created from!
  I believe that somehow, through space and time, we all get recycled back into some form of life! What I don't know, and can't say?

  Then there are the energies that are trapped, or lost, and some just have unfinished business!
  These I have the hardest time with, when being asked for our help! I personally am very capable of performing several types of ceremonies to help energies, or spirits move on! Though there lies the problem!
 Is that what they wanted our help for? Maybe we, and everyone else are misreading these requests?
 At most we can only guess this is what is being asked of us! there have been times that I know there has been more at play with the situation! Though there was, and is no way of truly being able to help with their wants during certain situations!

 I truly believe that maybe sometimes it's better we not know certain things! Because they may be a little more than our intellectual understanding can grasp at this point in our evolution!
  At some point though I think we will have the answers, and will be able to compute the true meaning of our existence, and our demise! Things we may perceive to be a certain way, just may not be what we once thought!
  We just may be in for a surprise at some point of our existence! Or maybe by that point things such as what we see and deal with now, will have been nothing but thoughts of an immature species, young, and naïve in our evolutionary existence!

  Until then we will continue to do what we think is right! We will never learn unless, we try to listen, and see with our eyes, those things that defy all of our rational psyche's conceptions of what is really going on! 
  So we will continue to lurk in the shadows searching for the answers to the cause of the bumps, and bangs in the night!         

From "Paranomalgies" This is  Geo-Pod which detects vibrations such as foot steps, and bangs, and bumps. This piece of equipment actually works well! t lights up in accordance to how loud and close things may be occurring! This business makes a few different pieces of equipment which might look neat,  but that's all it is, "neat!"

This is the Rem-Pod It detects static electricity! When something passes by the pull out antenna it lights up and sounds an alarm with a tone that increases or decreases depending how close the occurrence may be! Works well only if something is right in the area of the antenna! Pretty lights, and looks neat, but that's about it! These people make a slew of different versions now that are supposed to do more things! They are Expensive, and nothing but a toy! they used one on that Ghost Adventures show, and off to the market everybody went! These are very overly expensive for what they are! A piece of PVC pipe painted black with some cheap lights and an alarm. Probably cost four dollars in materiel and 15 minutes to make it! and they sell for 300.00 to 400.00 dollars! Crazy for something that is useless! They actually make a device as the above Geo-Pod and it works just as well so that may be the only thing that actually preforms well! But in all actuality both of these devices can be made for a couple of dollars with what they use for easily found parts to buy!

This is the real deal! This is a device that is powerful enough to detect the Earths magnetic field! So this has no problems detecting an anomaly in any area! Kinda pricy! But that's what the difference is between toys and real equipment!
This is another device such as the one above called a "Trifield" but this detects three different fields of current! Again this is a professional piece of equipment that produces professional results! In the blog we had a brother to one of these devices that we use a lot and it's a Trifield as well, but it's used to detect Natural "EMF Electromagnetic Fields" Which is something as these! The difference being some are more powerful, and some offer different fields! These devices we recommend way more so than the toys, But if your in it for the pretty color lights and crazy noises they make the first two in the list has more versions of garbage to choose from!                        
There is tons of stuff on the market for Paranormal gear, But most of it is junk! And some of it is crazy expensive junk! There are some very good professional equipment out there, but it wasn't made with a stamp saying for paranormal use! Even though that's exactly what there capable of!
 For the price you get some gadgets that are made to do what we need even though they might not have pretty lights, and if that's what you want just wait for Christmas to get it out of your system!
Buyer beware! then again in all honesty the people probably buying these things and using them have no idea of what there doing but I just hate seeing people getting taking for a ride! Good luck!