http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: Points to ponder!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Points to ponder!


  I'm sure everyone has heard the above statement when in context to the UFO phenomena.
 The Gov'ts hiding the truth because of the possible backlash of the fear people may display!
  In a way they may have good reasoning for this if you
think about it for a minute! If you may of heard of the original broadcast of Orson Wells radio show "War of the Worlds"?
So if you've heard of it, have you heard of what happened with the public when they heard the program live on the air?
  Well if you hadn't, what happened was total hysteric's with a large portion of the public! People grabbed their weapons, Some jumped in their cars and started speeding off towards safety!
 People were literally running around their neighborhoods in a panic screaming it's the end of the world! People were grabbing their families and taken shelter in their basements, root cellars, bunkers they had built for war time!

  This was in no way was an exaggeration of what happened! People were terrified! So if one thinks about what happens later on when the incident at Roswell happens well, needless to say when the first report came out and it stated "We have captured a crashed Flying Saucer" it wasn't going to take long for someone to do the math on that!

 Total deniability! No UFO! as a matter of fact it was the furthest thing away from a UFO!
  It was nothing more than an innocent weather balloon! Go figure? It couldn't even have been a plane because that would have sounded worse when retracting the first comments saying it was a UFO. and now it's a plane! Oh boy wouldn't of been good on their part seeing how their on the biggest air plane defense base in the west and they couldn't tell the difference between a ufo and a plane? Wow!
 So yeah that wouldn't have sounded to good but, Let's say it's a weather balloon and that will make more sense and sound better...  Sure!

  If these guys are on an air base and have no idea of the difference between a weather balloon and an obvious ufo, according to the original reports released to the press of what it was.
 I wonder how safe people felt back then knowing this was the same place that had nuclear bombs at it? and none there can tell the difference between a weather balloon and a interstellar craft?

 Let's say that the truth had been told and we had found an actual ufo, lets push it a little more and throw in a small crew of alien bodies that had actually been recovered as well! How would of that played out do you suppose?
 The other big thing to keep in mind is the time period and, not to look at it like now but rather back then! It was a very different world then today even though it wasn't all that long ago.
 Things such as peoples values towards religion, life styles and family values were very strong and very different than now!
 It would of been a huge impact where people would of more than likely lost it! We're talking like out of control lost it! This is what the military and Gov't were fully aware of! So  they opted to go the other direction!
  The religion factor was a staple that really held society together during these times. When times of war were at play, and the depression not far from the rear view! Bringing an issue into play such as alien life! Well it would of been hard to contain the probable hysteria.
 The God factor would have been in true danger! Where would faith fit into this new discovery of other life in the universe? The same faith that we have always used to defend and aid us during times of famine, natural disasters, and war!

 God be with us! Well if he/her is with us who is watching over these beings from outer space? This really would have put an amazing amount of pressure on the people at this time! Things such as this were always portrayed as something to fear!
 No small thanks to Hollywood, And of course Mr. Orson Wells! So society would of just been to hard pressed to be able to handle such an issue as aliens and the like!

 Unfortunately because of the way it was covered up there was no way they could ever come out and admit it was a cover up or lie. So the hole had been dug and they knew it, but they haven't figured a way to stop the lying without having serious backlash, so they just keep on the same course.

  The staying on course by lying was pretty obvious when in 1996 the Gov't came out and admitted they had deceived the people by lying about the actually events in Roswell in '47.
  The new story most now know is, there was a secret program called "Mogul" going on! It supposedly was a top secret program with these never seen before high altitude balloons that carried highly sensitive instruments that could detect whether or not someone had set off a nuclear bomb on the other side of the planet!

  Well the kicker to the whole story was that the tracking device some how or other failed and they lost track of it! Next thing that happens is it crashes on the sheep farm. Then the military out of Roswell is notified, and now it make's history as a Flying Saucer!
   The real crazy thing with this whole new story was that lot's of people ate it right up! I mean like full whole heartedly ate it up! to the point that if you didn't you were nut's!
  I wouldn't have to be any type of paranormal believer to realize this whole new story was a crock of shit!  Pardon my honesty, although It was very well thought up but, gimmie a break!

  As a modern society I believe we would be able to handle hearing that ufo's are real and alien life is a known thing!
 I think even if they admitted that we have been constantly lied to, and treated like a bunch of buffoons, that most of society would exonerate the Gov'ts behavior! I think society would be able to accept it because of all the bull crap that happens in our Gov't today anyway!
 I look at it as something to expect from the people we have put in power and entrusted to our well being and safety to treat us like! That's what is truly the shameful part which should piss off society But, I know it won't!
 People will just take it like always! People have just been so use to being talked to a certyain way some just can't see what is right and wrong anymore! They just continue on the path that is told to them.

  The funny thing about this all is the fact that certain people that believe in aliens, and the ufo phenomena are shunned by certain people and looked at as foolish and nuts in society!
  We are the people that at least have the common sense to know when were being lied to and treated like fools! 
  This is what will make it so much sweeter when the truth unfolds and the people that were blinded by their own arrogance will struggle with reality when the fun begins!
  We "as in the people" like myself, that have a clue with the deceit, and web of lies we are told! will be getting by like it's just another day.
I really do wonder how it would play out? I wish to live long enough to see it all unfold! Mainly because I really, really, want to rub it into a few faces! And I don't mean about the Alien part! I mean about being lied to part!

   It's bad enough our Gov't has to have all these special lawyers that look for loop holes in our Constitution, or try to see how far they can push things before it really pisses someone off because their violating it and over stepping the boundaries of it!
  Pretty sad when our Gov't which is suppose to be the one's upholding our Constitution are the one's abusing it and totally hands down violating it!
  If anyone out there needs more info on ways they have been doing these things please let us know and we will be happy to send you detailed proof!
  Invasion of our home privacy is a big one with myself! As an example:  We find out years later from a leak that our own law enforcement has been using a special device that can see through the walls of our homes and tell who's inside and how many, It can even detect if we're breathing!
  Now they've been using this for a few years now and the general public wasn't even aware they had this technology period, Yet alone using it on it's own people! Isn't that one of the biggest no, no's with violating our rights?
 Our home privacy use to be like the biggest right we had! Not anymore! They mind as well stop trying to preserve our constitution and just flush it down the drain! Because that's all it's apparently good for anymore!

  They have gotten so use to doing things a certain way and pushing it more and more! First by the lie's and getting away with it! Then they start violating your constitutional rights a little at a time until they finally step right out of the box! Well the scary thing is what's next?
  This is something all Americans should really start to THINK about!
 Before that right is taken away from you as well!

  If you want more examples to the truth! Please feel free to ask and we will happily send you the actual reports.