For those of you with a sensitive stomach or of an over loving capacity towards our friendly canine species, please be WARNED!!! The above link will probably make you want to throw up!
This article almost made me toss my breakfast! First off I realize hearing of things like eating dogs in situations is nothing new! But on a DOG FARM LEVEL? PLEASE, Scotty beam me up!!!
First off just because things are edible, Should we eat it? Have we forgotten of the forbidden fruit? There is no intelligent life down here! With all that is spent in the search for intelligent life in our vast universe, maybe we should be applying it elsewhere for now! That is until we make ourselves slightly more intelligent anyways!
I surly hope we don't find any life out there! Because they don't want to have anything to do with us! I wish so much that I could just jump in my own personal space ship and hit warp speed of this rock because this place has no reasoning! We consider ourselves to be vastly more intelligent then anything else! Sure!
We are one short step away from walking out of our caves as cavemen (and this is very obvious!) But shouldn't we be a little more evolved than what is happening in Asia? I realize they have their culture, And a pallet for anything, and everything when it comes to food items! But come on! The line needs to be drawn somewhere! When you look at what some would, and do consider as items on the menu!
I could see where another alien species out there would be a little leery of wanting to stop on in and pay us a visit! We shouldn't be searching for life in our universe after all what are we going to do if we find it? Eat it? If I were them that's what I would be fearing! Their probably thinking, Heck if their willing to eat what they consider to be their best friend what the hell are they going to do to me? For the love of everything that is holy what as a species are we sending out there as a message?
Hopefully all will heed these things as a warning sign! (AT ALL COST AVOID THE OUTER RIM OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY OR SUFFER THE CHANCE OF BEING DISECTED AND POSSIBLY EATING) I can see it now on all alien navigation screens!
What this planet really needs is a species that watches over us much like a babysitter! We as a species are just to young and way to immature to be sitting at the helm! Heck we can't control our inner caveman yet apparently! But hey if you really look at things "HONESTLY"! And I emphasize that word! I'm sure you know what I'm saying!