Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Do you think your crazy?
Are you crazy?
So this is the pivotal question, Do you think your CRAZY? This being in context to things you may be experiencing, seeing, feeling, hearing, Etc, Etc,!
We have had numerous case's over the years where this question has arisen. The answer is no, Well maybe no anyway!
The majority are actually experiencing something, But whether or not it is actually paranormal is the underlining question?
8 out of 10 cases's we can dismiss as natural occurrence's! It's those other 2 that raise an eyebrow, as well as the hair on your skin in some case's!
We have been extremely out of contact with our normal social media updating lately as we have been busy answering these questions for a few client's. I have been asking myself this question, and a lot lately, as to whether or not I'm just losing my mind?
I've been involved with the paranormal for a very long time! I've experienced things, seen things, heard things, felt things that in all context of the word crazy would define my experiences!
I know I'm sane, But every once in awhile I have to ask myself what the heck is really going on here? How can these things be happening? Rational thinking say's this is hogwash! Science say's this is hogwash! Skeptics say this is hogwash!
Well then what is it? If everyone is so smart, Please explain, and in detail, what is it that is really going on? How did that sideways sliding door on rollers just open by itself? Don't tell me it wasn't level and out of plumb, Because I know my carpentry! What was the green ball of light 6 inches in diameter that came out of the opening door and floated across the room? Don't tell me swamp gas! No swamps in the vicinity! So please explain with your rational thinking and so called physics what this particular case was? Good luck trying!
What about these mass sightings of huge vessels flying in our sky's? Seen and witnessed by people from every walk of life from the avg Joe to presidents of our own country!
People with detailed memories of things we think not possible? Video of a large unknown craft from a police video camera hovering over a house one second and an officer rambling in the background on his radio of how he needs back up because of what he is witnessing? Saying things like it is pulling a person out of the house, and it is taking her, and when back up arrives a young girl is missing and never to be heard from again!
Yes it sounds crazy doesn't it? But it has happened, and is happening all the time from every corner of this world! Science fears involvement for ridicule and the Gov't does their fancy foot work with disinformation to make those who witness these events sound crazy. There have been some very CRAZY statements our own Gov't has spewed out to the public about some interesting events witnessed by hundreds of people over the years.
We all have are cross's to bare, Our issue's of stability with maintaining a healthy mind and body! Which I try! I am more rational then most, and am the first to dismiss so called paranormal issue's, even though I do believe!
I don't jump on the wagon at every case and say, yup this is paranormal! Usually just the opposite. I'm usually the one saying, Man this is so not paranormal what a waste of time!
Since the early 2000's when these paranormal shows started coming out everyone started believing their place was haunted, Or more so they wished it was! Or they just wanted 15 minutes of fame! But there still lie's the question what about those 2 out of 10 case's that just defy rational thinking, and any sort of laws of physics?
Am I crazy and just missing something here? I think not! Nor are you crazy if you are one of those 2 out of 10 people! YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!! I wish I could scientifically tell you what it is you are experiencing, But sadly we have not evolved to that plain as of yet! The best I can offer is that you are experiencing an honest to god paranormal phenomena! Please though do not think you are crazy!
I have had case's where people have gone to shrinks because of their issue's with the paranormal and thinking they were, and are nut's! To the point they end up being medicated with some pretty powerful anti-psychotics. To no avail! Then they contact us as a last resort and sometimes with just a visit and a half hour conversation I have been told they felt like a cloud had just been lifted from their mind! After a year of therapy a pile of drugs, and loads of money, just a few friendly personal experience's being shared and I've cured the so called crazy person! Well maybe not cured, But helped shine a light towards their sanity not being compromised!
Sometimes it can be a very long and confusing ordeal for some where their sanity can, and will be stretched to the limits! But it's not because their crazy, but rather it will possibly make them feel like they are going crazy!
These are the case's I live for! When we can make a tremendous difference and a great impact on peoples live's! I am no Doctor , or scientist! I am someone that just believes, and knows there are things at play that just can't be rationally explained! But I do know how to help and in most case's fix, neutralize, remedy, aid, Or just listen to those with these particular problems!
Crazy is a word, and I think a very negative, and at times hurtful word that should not be thrown around! People will question their sanity at some point of their lives and some will wonder if maybe they are crazy for many different reasons, But if you feel this way from a possible paranormal stand point the very best thing you could do is contact a legitimate paranormal group and try running your situation by them! Drop us a line if you feel compelled and we will be happy to put crazy to the test! I promise there is light at the end of this particular tunnel!
So to any and all that are experiencing any sort of paranormal issues whether it be ghostly, or other worldly you are not alone! Put thoughts of crazy aside and reach out to us, or of the like and remember to put crazy in the rear view! if science has taught us anything, it has taught us there is still a lot to learn! We find new species everyday.
We find creatures that were thought extinct for millions of years, We learn new things of our Universe constantly, As well as the possibilities of more dimensions then our own! So then why can't these issues with the paranormal exist? If it is any consolation we believe, and many like our organization do as well! So you are far from alone! Always be safe, and keep positive! All the best from all of us at the Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!
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