http:// Society of Paranormal Research of Maine: August 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ramblings of a semi-mad man!

Ramblings of a semi-mad man!

   I see a lot of these shows about ancient aliens coming to Earth and showing the stupid humans how to build things and survive as a species.
 Well granted humans can be stupid! Or at least do stupid things at times! Personally I don't subscribe to this theory, thought, or idea!
  Humans will more than likely destroy this planet and it's already in the makings now! Yet I see no aliens species coming forth and stopping us!
 Well I guess it depends who you ask about whether or not they have. I sure haven't seen anything on the news about it anyway! 

   People as in humans can be a beautiful species! We make beautiful music, Some can make incredible art!
 We have visionaries that have made it possible so that we have a satellite that has left our solar system!
 How can it be, That we as a whole species can not see, Or at least pull together to stop the destruction of our planet? OIL!
 All because of the all mighty dollar we are willing to sacrifice our very lives! Not only our own lives, But also every other living creature on this beautiful creation called Earth! 

  This is why an Alien species should come and take the helm and strip our right to be guardians of this world! because we are doing a horrible job!
 We should not be allowed the right to be caretakers for all the living things on this planet because our agenda sure isn't a good one and definitely not one with the best interests of all the creatures on this world in mind.
 Of course there are a few that agree with this, But apparently a few isn't enough! 

  As sad as it might sound we should be the one's to disappear!  I say this for the salvation of this world.
 In order for all the other greater amounts of species on this planet, They deserve the right to survive! Because we know better!
 Yet we still continue on a path of self destruction. Some great intelligent species we are! 

   How many people on this planet would sacrifice their own lives in order for the rest of the species the right to survive?
 I bet the raise of hands would not be all that great! Nor do I believe it would make many changes on the whole when battling a giant such as Opec and our own Gov't! 
 The people in charge now don't care because their lives on this world will not last forever so why should they care of any future lives?
 It truly is sickening so much to the point I hate talking about it because it does make me I'll! Please if there is an alien world out there somewhere? Please come and take the helm because we do not deserve the right!

   There are no simple answers to this I realize! But our Gov'ts not even willing to admit the problems on a global scale of all the things wrong with the environment. Nor are we willing to even sign any agreements to change like 85% of the rest of the world has already done.
  Some leader our nation is! Something to really look up to!
 I love history and all our country, The U.S.A. has gone through to get to where it needed to! But what has happened? We sure took a wrong turn and can't seem to right ourselves.
 Where has our Gov't seem to have the right to think they can do what they want despite what the majority of the people want? What happened to Democracy?

   It's a scary world in these times! Especially with the power our own Gov't feels they have. When they cause harm to it's own people!
 This is the time for an Alien intervention! Because the world looks up to the U.S., And we should be making steps to ensure the survival of every living thing on this world and give them all the right to survive! ARE WE? NO! 

   Much like what I've said here has probably been said by a lot greater people than I! But I do feel this way as well! We as a species in whole, should as well! 

  Our Gov't has lied before and will again! So how do you place any trust in it as a leader of people? Sure makes it hard and then they make it harder when you try asking anybody to do something about it.
 I'm a believer we are not alone in this vast Universe! what if our Gov't knows these answers already and we've all been held in the dark by this known fact?  

   The Gov't knows this would be very, very bad if found out! Something this large being known and held back from our knowledge, Well Just another feather in our Gov'ts hat of lies!
 This would not be good, Nor do I believe the most of society would be very happy with finding this out. So yes you will never know the truth! Or at least by being told by our Gov't.  

  Who do we look up to for help? God? Good luck there! I'm sure if there is a God he isn't very happy with the way things are going! Probably as much as I am! So where?
 "We need something to happen on a scale of never seen before proportion!" 
 It's to late in humans little existence to make any changes! But the scary thing there is, Who do you think would be the ones mostly likely to survive something of epic proportions?
 Of course our Gov't! They would be guaranteed a spot of safety in a bunker somewhere to ensure their survival! So great back to that same vicious circle!  

  Do you realize the BILLIONS of dollars spent to ensure the survival of our political leaders? This is the most insane thing I've ever heard and seen!
 Some genius in time came up with this scary scenario of the possibility of disaster of epic proportion and leave it to our Gov't the assurance of their survival!
 Just what we need an already corrupt group of lying so called leaders that are probably the last ones on the planet that deserve the right to survive a free ticket for a chance of survival!  

  Think about this for a minute. If there is something of epic disaster on our horizon and they have a place for all our political leaders to hunker down in.
 What would it matter for their survival if there is no one left to lead? Has anyone thought about these factors?
 Great all of these so called leaders have survived holocaust! Why? Why did they spend our tax dollars ensuring their survival? How is this even remotely right?
 If this isn't some rigged up arrogant type of thinking I don't know what is! Something is really wrong with this plan! We need change! 

  So my belief is, The one, And only one thing that would probably make any real change is an Alien intervention! What's the chances?

Friday, August 8, 2014

The GOV't and UFOs and hidden locations!

The Gov't + UFO's = Hidden locations

This is just a theory of mine, and one that I think makes a little sense!
  Now I have a big thing to throw at everyone and this is something that really makes sense if your a sensible person!
 All the hype and mystery to the area 51 scene I believe is exactly what big brother The Gov't wants.
 Think about it! If everyone is so busy with the stuff happening at area 51 and the Gov't keeps the people hot on it. It gives the Gov't the chance to be doing things at other areas where nobody would even probably think of looking! 

  For the last 20 years now they could've been building some super site somewhere right under everyone's nose. We would never know because we've been so busy with eye's on area 51! I can almost guarantee it!
 I think that would be something they would do, and I'm sure of it! They would make you, Me, and everyone interested in area 51 just enough so they could be doing some crazy stuff somewhere else. And nobody would be the wiser!

  If they were smart anyway, That's what they should of done! So sure they've done it! The one thing which I do not pay much attention to is certain types of conspiracy theories.
 This is my own fault! But I'm talking like ones of really whacked out thoughts into some crazy bizarre location stuff! 

  Think for a second? A whole mountain being bored through like a worm in an apple. Over a mile through the earth where there could be a hidden runway for some type of hi-tech crafts. 
 Imagine some crazy stuff hiding the entrance like in a James Bond flick, Or Batman!! Heck we already know they've done it before!
This would be the only way for them to hide a runway where it couldn't be seen by satellite. It makes the most logical sense I think! Granted it might be a logistical nightmare, But with these changing times things have to be put to the extreme!

  I bet you they have done it! And we have been so raveled in looking the wrong way we've all missed what they were hiding! I really would of thought that nuts a few years back! But the more I've learned the less surprised I get nowadays!
 So I would recommend anyone interested in looking for hidden secrets look in the hidden spots!

  I am in the process of scoping through some satellite images, maybe it's on federal land, Maybe not? federal land with mountains and off the beaten path would be the best way! but hiding it would be the trick?
 So this is what one needs to keep in mind. A spot where employees can get to, Or be brought to even if they were flown! But one hidden enough you wouldn't know it was even a spot! Wouldn't Alaska be prime for that? Hmmm!....

  Does anybody know for sure if those jets that fly to area 51 are actually all arriving to area 51? Has anybody actually done the watching of all of them leaving? And then someone on the other end watching them arrive type of experiment?

 Wouldn't it be funny if not all of those jets were making it to their supposed location? Hmm!... Have to have people on both ends doing due diligence?
 But I think it important enough to find out! That would be one way of checking that box as ok! I just know it! I know they have something other than area 51 and it's a lot more hidden and it is something right in front of us! Well this is just a thought! And something to think about?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

  The Society of Paranormal Research in Maine has always been dedicated toward the research of studying the spiritual side of the "Paranormal!" Though we have always followed almost all areas, and aspects, of everything that is in the realm of the meaning of the word "Paranormal!"
 We are broadening our mission statement as we are in the process of joining efforts and becoming members of "MUFON" (Mutual UFO Network!) This is the worlds largest and most respected network of scholars, scientist, and visionaries that share a common belief, and desire. And that is that WE ARE NOT ALONE, AND THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!
 The director of our society feels it a beneficial, and much needed step to be taken in these modern times of technology! With all the available equipment at our disposal and dedication to detail and the desire to know the truth behind unexplained mysteries of the "Paranormal!"
 Of course nothing here will change except the fact of us it making it known, so if anyone has any questions or possible encounters with things of an extraterrestrial nature, or possible sightings of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO!) We will now be working to provide help to all in the two most widely seen, and believed Paranormal beliefs and events worldwide! Thank you so much for your continued support and following!
Truly, The Society of Paranormal Research in Maine!

This was a new statement that we had just posted and will be posting to all of our sights ASAP! I had my team put this together and It was a line divided unfortunately!
 Why is it people that research the ghost side of the paranormal think the ufo guys are fruit cakes? And why is it all the ufo guys think that people that research ghosts, and the such are fruit cakes?
 I personally have always had a wicked fascination with the study of our universe! I really love every kind of aspect, and piece of information to watch behind it!
 So of course I believe we are not alone! But as for the part of whether or not anyone is visiting us? I don't know? With all the footage and things I have seen, I really have to say I do believe something is going on! As to what it is, I would love to learn!
  And of course if our Gov't is involved into this stuff, well you do realize we are all seriously boned! Personally I am really looking forward to jump full steam ahead with my new venture, and I hope to be of some use!
Well stay tuned, and keep upto date, as I've been looking forward to sharing this with everyone for a long time now!
 I hope to be posting some more great stuff real soon, and until then if anyone has any feed back, or comments to share please hammer down!

Truly, Gary. C
Founder/Director- Society of Paranormal Research in Maine